Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Blind Item #10

This came out of nowhere and as far as I know not true. However, the wife of this A+/A list mostly movie actor who used to have a superhero franchise went after his current actress co-star who is an Oscar winner/nominee. The wife got the impression the two are hooking up. I don't think this actress has ever cheated on her husband and isn't going to start now.


  1. Christian Bale and Amy Adams filming The Dick Cheyney movie

    1. I'm not sure why there's even going to be a Dick Cheney film. Is it self-commissioned à la Erdogan? LMAO.

      Hm. I was just about to say something about my intuition telling whether people will last in my life permanently for some reason and the feeling "coming true" but I forgot why/for what purpose I would be saying that in a thread about a former VP. Never mind.

    2. Now I remember what I was going to say: Aung San Suu Kyi.

      I saw a French biopic about her (back when we all thought she was a good person). Now people are saying the Nobel Peace Prize should only be given posthumously in case they turn on humanity.

      I've always known instinctively when/which people are going to be a "permanent fixture" in my life (and when I let my guard down and the person still makes me go, "et tu, Brute?", there's usually a lesson to learn. My point is: Perhaps it's too soon for a Cheney film?

  2. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Maybe she should've sniffed out cat woman Hathaway....

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Problems at home? I wonder if Christian has cheated before and the wife is paranoid.

  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4990052/Christian-Bale-Amy-Adams-unrecognizable-Cheneys.html Bale is so sexy this day.Fat and bald.

  6. Honestly, who on Earth would pay to see a movie about Dick Cheney? Yuck.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. RDJ and the Goopster.

    What? I think it would be hilarious!

  9. Its Chris Pratt/Anna Ferris/Jennifer Lawrence



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