Monday, October 23, 2017

Blind Item #10 - Eddie McClintock Blind Item

And while we're on the subject of Hollywood molestation...
(note: Some of you may find this story "disturbing." Some of you may find some of the language "offensive." If you feel you might be one of those persons, perhaps it's best that instead of reading, you scroll down to the basket of puppies I posted a few days ago. Thanks.)
I moved to West Los Angeles after a "less than stellar" six year battle with college. Mysteriously, somehow, Wright State University saw fit to give my poor-old dad a break, and granted me a diploma. They politely, metaphorically, asked me to “not let the door hit me in the ass..." So I graciously accepted.
Off to LA I went, to sell insurance for my uncle, who was and still is a fine and generous man. Of course, he had no idea what he was getting into, as I was drinking like a mutant frat-boy and doing as many drugs as I could get my hands on.
Luckily for him, he had the wherewithal to fire me after seven months of misery.
Thusly, I moved from West Los Angeles to West Hollywood, where I drank, smoked weed, collected unemployment and played frisbee on the beach for a year.
When the unemployment ran out, and the guilt of calling my dad for another "loan" had become too much, I decided it was time to get a job.
By then I had made some friends who worked in Commercial Television Production, and didn't yet know the extent of my "partying," that naively gave me my first job as a Production Assistant. And so began my new career in television. I had a walkie-talkie, a headset, free lunches. The world was my oyster.
I kept it together for a while, moving from production to production as one does, but I was still a walking disaster. I was miserable, and to award myself for my misery I consumed as much alcohol and altered my chemistry as much and as often as I could, all in the name of a good time.
One night at some shitty Hollywood club, I met a kid who invited me over to his house. And what a house it was. It sat at the top of the hills with the Hollywood sign and downtown LA as it's view. It was the kind of stuff I had only ever seen in the movies. While there, I met his dad, who I spoke with for a while. I told him how I had grown to hate being a P.A., and was thinking about giving acting a try. He told me about his Post Production house, the films he had made and the films he was working on. He said, "You should come to some of our screenings," and seeing as how I've always been a huge fan of film, enthusiastically agreed.
Stan (not his real name) and I went to a few screeners, toured his company and hung out at the house a few times. Then one night, I was asked to go to dinner with he and his son. I accepted, and soon found myself sitting on the stoop of my West Hollywood apartment, waiting to be picked up. When the car arrived, I jumped in and immediately noticed that Stan was alone. I asked where Billy (not his real name) was, and Stan told me that he was "unable to attend."
Well that's weird.
Now here's the thing, my "gaydar" is pretty strong, and after nearly two years in West Hollywood I'd made several gay friends and even had had a gay roommate, so "gayness" really didn't "bother" me. I was cool with it. I suspected, if not knew, that my friends dad, Stan, was gay. No big deal. People are people. Hands across the water.
So off we went.
We walked into the restaurant, which was right next to the legendary "Laugh Factory," and located on the historic Sunset Strip. The Maître D' welcomed Stan by name, and took us to our table. It was very dark inside, and there were a lot of men. As a matter of fact there wasn't a female in sight. Okay, fine, Stan had brought me to a gay restaurant or some shit. Big deal. No problem. I can handle it.
I notice that most of the men at the bar are young and handsome, while the men in the booths and tables tended to be much older. As the night progresses, I realize that the bar is the "shop window," and the men in the booths are the "shoppers." The traffic from the booth, to the bar, to the back door (no pun) is brisk.
After my fourth or fifth Glenfiddich, just as I'm about to dig into my shrimp cocktail, Stan informs me that he would like to "Suck my cock." Without batting an eye, I tell him I'm flattered but not gay. He tells me I don't have to be gay to have my cock sucked by a man, and that if I close my eyes and fantasize about a woman, I would enjoy it. I say, "Thanks, Stan, but no." Stan then begins to tell me that my reluctance to engage in a sex act with a man could actually be a symptom of some "latent homosexuality" on my part, and he thought that I had a real problem, and that “my fear to explore who I might be,” was sad. I said, "Hey thanks, Stan, but I'd rather not have to open my eyes and see your bald, melanoma covered scalp, bobbing on my johnson!”
...No, I didn't say that, but I was thinking it. How awesome would that have been?!
But I remained respectful.
Stan excused himself from the table, and on his return told me that Billy was going to meet us at the house. So we went to the house.
Now I'm sure some of you are saying, "Why the hell would you go to the fucking house?" Well, I wasn't afraid of Stan. I had spent my life wrestling and playing football, and I knew he couldn't harm me. And Billy was my friend.
Lo and behold, when we got to the house, Billy wasn't there. Stan explained that Billy had to leave, but would be back soon. Yup, this dude thought I was a drunk, lost, stupid dipshit, straight off the turnip truck. A perfect target for his ugliness. And while I may have been many of those things, I certainly had never ridden on a turnip truck.
Anyway, as were sitting in the living room, Stan starts to show me clips of films, projected on a giant-screen from a projector mounted on the ceiling. What starts with "Rumblefish" and "Barfly," quickly degrades to a clip of a man and a woman having sex.
I asked if there was any more Jack Daniels, and excused myself to the kitchen to fill up my tumbler.
When I walked back into the room and sat down, the man who was having sex with the woman was now being fucked by some blond haired dude that looked like Ivan Drago from Rocky II.
Stan reaches over and puts his hand on my penis.
Well, that was it for me. I stood up and said, "Look man, you want to be my friend, fine. You want to go to dinner or hang out or whatever the hell else, fine. But I'm not going to have sex with you. And if you can't handle or respect that then I'll get the fuck outta here."
Just then, Billy came through the front door. I walked over and asked if he could give me a ride home. Billy, sensing something was up, said, "Why, what's going on?" I said, "Your dad tried to fuck me." He said, "Goddamnit, he does that to all my friends."
Billy took me home.
The next afternoon, right around the time my hangover was really kicking in, the phone rang. It was Stan.
He began telling me how rude I was and that what had occurred the night before was "very unnecessary." He also said that it would be best that I "keep my mouth shut,” as he could make things “very uncomfortable for me."
I told him to "go fuck himself."
Within the year, I decided to get sober, and after a few relapses, have managed to put together eighteen years.
My story is not unique. Happens all the time. And I've wondered how many lost, fucked up, straight guys Stan tried his Svengali act on. How many guys had, against every fiber in their body, given in. Because they wanted to be somebody. Because they wanted to be accepted. Because they wanted a chance. Because they wanted to be loved. Because they were too paralyzed by the moment to say "no."
My guess, lots.
I never saw Stan or Billy again.


  1. Let's see if we can cut this down to a hundred or so. I immediately went to James Toback, but his kid isn't old what guys have 40 year old kids?

  2. Robert Downey Sr...

  3. And maybe/probably "Billy" wasn't actually "Stan's" son so this could be anyone.

  4. Glad You made out alive and well, because God while I was reading I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen.

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    1. 🙃😮
      Word @Mila.....

    2. What are teh origins of this site, i Wonder?

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  7. Marc maron fits the sober timeline...but I don't think he's from Ohio... or was a pa. Bill hader was a pa but don't know much about his past

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  10. Anonymous12:06 PM

    @SarahElizabeth- this blind happened to Eddie McClintock, he is an actor (hence the name of the blind). We are trying to figure out the Director and his son.

  11. Ohio? Martin Sheen's from Dayton.

  12. Martin Sheen & Donald Sutherland would have been pretty recognizable at this time. It sounds like Eddie had no idea who the dad was. I think Tricia's guess makes the most sense, since Sr was a director of underground movies. Could explain a lot of RDJ's issues.

  13. Is there any part of the Blind that suggests "Billy" is a celebrity of any sort?

    Even Stan - all we know is he made a few films and is filthy rich. Not necessarily someone we've all heard of.

  14. Oh thanks! WRight state is in Dayton Ohio I know because my cousin went there - that's the reason I had the Ohio reference:)

  15. I think he's given a bunch of clues in this BI. Barfly and Rumble Fish were produced by American Zoetrope (Coppola). Rocky starred Talia Shire (a Coppola). Francis Ford Coppola? Someone else in the family?

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  19. From the blind story it says - about the dad:
    "He told me about his Post Production house, the films he had made and the films he was working on."

    Thus, the older man perv owned a post-prod company. Not sure how many owners of post companies are wildly famous but that's who you all should be guessing. Not famous acting dads. Geesh. Not really sure how scandalous that would be unless the man evolved into a studio head or someone well known. It's like revealing a gay caterer. Wow.

  20. These guesses are ridiculous!! Martin Sheen, Donald Sutherland, Coppola. Are you kidding me?? Probably some no name producer of which there have been hundreds. I think he is just illustrating the point of how producers use their money and power. While an intersting story,the only thing illuminating about this story is the fact it involves a c/b list actor by name.

  21. The answer I agree more is coppola, but "bald, melanoma covered scalp" is not something I would use to define him. This is probably a rather unknown film guy.

  22. Agreed. The closest name thus far would be Coppola - as he once owned his entire production facility. But I cannot wrap my warped mind around the image of FF Coppola in a gay supper club! I laugh so hard it hurts! Simply because he's soooo recognizable. Honestly, I know very well that Hollywood has/has had many places with discreet rules, but I cannot imagine Coppola in such a place. Mainly because he'd be inviting the media in, bossing the waiters around, and not asking for a handy under the table...he'd be jumping on the table tops DEMANDING one! That's just Coppola. Besides - everyone in town knows he likes teenage girls dressed like porn stars who spank him. Not boys. Oops. Did I say that out loud?

    1. Funny, even though it's not. He probably likes Japan.

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  24. 1. I love Eddie McClintock (and still mourn the demise of Warehouse 13)

    2. His grammar is atrocious. Maybe Eddie McClintock is Enty!

  25. another angle to this story just occurred to me. eddie says to billy "your dad
    tried to fuck me", and billy replies "goddamnit, he does that to all my friends".

    if billy found that so irksome, wouldn't he have warned new friends about dad? especially ones dad was offering career advice to/giving tours of the company, inviting repeatedly to the house? or maybe not chosen to bring home strangers he met at clubs who were dad's type in the first place? does it sound to anyone else like billy was pimping for dad?

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  27. @CeeKay,I noticed a resemblance to OG Enty's writing as well.Not just the grammar either.

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    1. I was getting the same vibe. All that energy coming from Reiner cannot just be for the liberal way of life. I'm feeling he's hiding something.

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  31. Holy Crap! This guy was Hank on My Boys! Interesting blind - hope it gets revealed soon!

  32. The author is clearly Eddie McClintock – Wright State U alumn, wrestled then became a production assistant.
    There is nothing to suggest however that “Stan” is famous, just that he is wealthy and involved in production. There are tons of people like that who you’ve never heard of. Also, nothing to suggest “Billy” is well-known.

    So it looks like it’s Eddie McClintock before he was famous (he didn’t get his first big role until he was nearly 30) and some wealthy (but no famous) Hollywood type. The story is pretty much just a tale about monied and powerful predators prey on vulnerable young people.

  33. Sean and Leo Penn?

  34. Both films mentioned in screening featured Mickey Rourke. Maybe a clue? Could be a producer or an associate of Coppolla maybe.

  35. Did he have his hand on your crotch or your penis? If it's the latter, you never explained why your weener was out.

  36. Did he have his hand on your crotch or your penis? If it's the latter, you never explained why your weener was out.

  37. Coppola makes sense. Coppola is also responsible for Victor Salva (movies: Jeepers Creeprs and Powder) still working in film after raping a boy actor on film.

  38. Sorry to be tardy to the party on guessing here but this one has been irking me. Because I feel like I've heard a similar story from other guys I grew up with. So I enlisted some help. An actress friend of mine - who is very close to some elements mentioned in this blind - sat down and read this item with me. And again, and again. She swears it has to be either Fred Roos or either Golan or Globus of the Cannon Film group.

    Only thing that does NOT work is the son. Roos has a son (an athlete) but the timeline is off - he's way younger. But Fred Roos is one of the most legendary guys in the film biz; was Coppola's producer on almost everything; was part of Zoetrope; and certainly would've had a film reel with Rumble Fish and Barfly both to show in a home theater. His being a producer/partner at Zoetrope may also explain the lean towards "production company" that Eddie paints in the tale.

    Odds are that it likely may have been Brigitte Neilsen and Dolph Lundgren screwing on film that he mentions, with another guy. Fred Roos was a casting legend and discovered all the teen boys for The Outsiders on through Sofia Coppola's films. He helped discover the actress reading and helping me solve this blind too. It's just the "son" thing that's off - unless the age/timeline was altered.

    Then again it could just be coincidental and not him at all. I think the point of the item's last sentences are the moral of the story.

  39. what a relief to know it's not coppola! i think you're right that it's fred roos, is there any gossip around town about him being into young men, and/or handsy? he's got a pretty good head of hair but his photos ping my gaydar the most.

    to add to the info pool i found this about golan and globus: they're cousins, both bald, of the 3 golan is the most melanoma-y. globus only has a daughter but golan had 3 kids, no info about them on the internet. golan died in 2014, maybe the reason eddie mcclintock was comfortable telling his story?



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