Thursday, September 28, 2017

Your Turn

When is the last time you waited in a hour(s) long line for anything. What was it?


  1. Drivers license\ID renewal almost 2 years ago. Sat there for 2 1\2 hours.

  2. OMG I can't recall since I have been doing mostly everything on line for the last couple of years. I think waiting for Grace Jones to sign a copy of her autobiography for me.

  3. My doctor says I have Twitter Flu. Fortunately, it's tweetable.

  4. Diesel fuel and gasoline, just a few weeks ago after "Harvey".
    I already had plenty of canned food and water so no problem there.

  5. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Airport in London. I thought I was soffocating by the number of people in a line

  6. Lots of times - airport security, Christmas shopping, Indians concession stands these days. But the best was in 1980 when the Grateful Dead played Radio City Music Hall. Waiting in line the day tickets went on sale for that was a pure gas. The crowd was huge and everyone was completely stoked. It was a total circus.

    1. Ha. I knew I'd find a cool "unforgettable concert" story somewhere on this thread... ♥

  7. The last time I was at an airport. Which is why I don't fly anymore.

  8. I'm due to wait in line for probably more than that time, as I have a hospital operation next week. Have to get there for 7.30 a.m. and could be waiting hours until I'm seen.

    1. Why on Earth would they make you wait in a une for something like this? Shouldn't you be prioritises since you're about to into surgery?

  9. What hospital will you be in, Kimberly dear? I'm going to Atlanta Memorial visit my housepainter, who had a couple of strokes.

  10. Checking in to board a flight. I refuse to go to the DMV. There is already a line going around the building in the AM.would like to work for the State and the only openings is for the dreaded DMV. No thanks

  11. Driving from Caspar Wyoming to northern Colorado after the eclipse. What should have been a four hour drive took over ten. Ten hours in a car, stop and go for miles.

  12. Last driver's license renewal and Prince tickets.
