Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Your Turn

What do you think the realistic percentage is of nuclear war in our lifetime? Not even necessarily involving the US.


  1. 50-50 because you have a deranged lunatic who doesn't appear afraid to set one off and another deranged lunatic egging him on to try it and see what happens. I don't think Iran ever will because Israel will know about it and destroy it before it's ever capable of doing damage. And the rest of the world is under agreement.

  2. I once dated a leading government figure from a nuclear-armed country. But it didn't work out. We had Iraqunconciliable differences.

  3. When I interviewed Kim Jong-un, he offered me a job with his army, because he thought I was a bombshell.

  4. i'd say 80%...we have 2 mental patients who are champing at the bit to play nuclear war. i don't think it will go to full-scale world destruction, but at least one will be set off that kills people.

  5. Yes. Kim dumb In, Trump or Putin. And throw in Iran or Pakistan. I'm in Hawaii and the local govt met to plan Emergency plans in case of nuclear bomb. Scary times indeed

    1. Supposedly aiming for the volcano on Big Island.

  6. I just love a laid back celebrity gossip blog bringing in politics to the discussion. Dumb.

  7. I love how nobody mentions how Obama gave nukes to a people who celebrate a national holiday called DEATH TO AMERICA day lol

    That was clever...

  8. Trump was a celebrity long before getting elected. Hello.

  9. About zero, fatman the rocket has too flawed nukes to do real harm, the USA would wipe NK out without using nukes to avoid bad publicity, Europeans are unlikely to use nukes until they become muslims in the next decades, Russia is like a part of Europe without the risk of islamization, Chinese will not use them, neither will Israel, South Africa is an AfricanAfrican shithole whose enemies are inside and will not nuke zimbabwe or other cesspool around, India will not use them, and the only left is Pakistan which will not use them unless an islamic coup.

  10. Anonymous3:34 PM

    To close for comfort, in my opinion. At least 50/50. I have anxiety attacks about this subject on a regular basis.

  11. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Kermit, Shawty has yet to figure out how to get his rio kets not to burn up upon re-entry, but he will eventually figure it out. I don't think it's gonna happen. It's a whole lot of severe sabre rattling but that's about it. Dirty bombs and globalists are far more dangerous.

  12. 50-50, way too high a chance for my liking.

  13. IDK but if you go to Al-Jazeera's YouTube channel there's a video entitled "WH calls North Korea claim that US declared war 'absurd'," and toward the end there's something about South Korean intelligence saying that North Korean soldiers have been ordered to report to higher commande suggesting they're not actually as aggressive/serious as their hard talk. That caught my attention last night... Actions speak louder than words.

    1. *Have been told to report to higher command BEFORE TAKING ANY ACTION.

  14. 10% or lower. Thrre is just too much risk for everyone

  15. Kermit, you are the voice of logical reasoning, in a sea of hysterical imbeciles. Well said.
    Even a frog has more brains than sandy lol



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