Thursday, September 21, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Starstruck - Kindess

I loved the way this was written, so tried to keep it as is. Had to delete some identifying things, but the starstruck, fun quality is still in it.

I used to work at a popular bar in a mid size city in Canada. One Monday, a co-worker asked me to cover her shift for her, I obliged thinking it would be an average Monday. Myself and another server were working on our upstairs patio and it was not busy at all. We were standing around (extremely bored), when an English man came by and took a look at our patio and menu and asked if he could reserve it that day for a private function. I told him that our patio is first come first serve and we don't take reservations but if he wanted to, he could ask my manager. So he did ask my manager, and received the same response from him. It was then that the English man said, "I don't really like to name drop, but my client is playing at the arena tomorrow and we will make it worth your while." Another waitress immediately said "Oh my god, that's __________!!" And she managed to convince our manager to close down the patio, which we never do.

Myself and the other servers were skeptical that ____________ would come by, but a few hours later, he comes up the stairs to our patio with his whole crew and also the opening band, _________. I could feel myself getting hot and sweaty and my heart was pounding -- I guess you could say I was starstruck. There's just something about seeing a person in the flesh that you only see on TV. Anyway, he walks over to me and immediately orders around 40 Jag bombs for himself and the whole crew. Apparently they were celebrating a crew members birthday. Myself and another server were chosen to serve him and his party, but every other server kept coming up to the patio to do busy work (clearing a glass or plate here and there) just to catch a glimpse haha. He was in great spirits and kept floating from table to table laughing and socializing with his crew. He ordered a couple of gin and tonics with a cucumber slice from me and I spilled a little bit on him (shaky hands -- again, starstruck). He didn't mention it and just said "you are absolutely wonderful, sweet pea" -- a bit of an overstatement for bringing someone a drink, but I appreciated it. It should also be stated that his crew and the opening band, ________, were also extremely nice -- a truly classy group.

His manager definitely stuck to his promise about making it worth our while. _______ and his crew of 40 racked up a $3000 plus bill in under two hours and tipped me and the other server very well. I made a lot more money than I was expecting on that Monday evening. Not only that, but we were invited to hang out with ______ and his crew after. Our manager kindly let me and a few other servers off early so we could party with him. We ended up bar hopping to different downtown bars with all of our drinks paid for. _____ was nice to every single person he spoke to (and it was a lot of people). Myself and the other servers were invited to his concert the next day (for free).

The next night myself and the other girls got ready together and made our way to the concert. We were treated to an amazing show. ___ is truly talented and I was so impressed at his musicianship! It was also impressive that he could perform that well considering he later told us that he was up partying till 5 am.

Side note: the maintenance guy who works at the restaurant was gifted with front row seats, and he ended up proposing to his girlfriend (who has brain cancer) during the show, which ___ acknowledged during one of his songs.

After the show, we were brought backstage where we were again treated to unlimited free drinks. The opening band was there. ___ came later and everyone was praising him on the awesome show he put on. It was hilarious because he started telling a story and we were all crowding around him in a circle listening, and the circle just kept getting smaller, and smaller, and smaller to the point that you were fighting for your spot to be near him (oh the power of fame). I'm not one to compete, so I backed off trying to hanging out with ____ for a while to hang out with my coworkers, the crew and the guys from _______. We got a bit drunker and went back to one of their tour buses and had some pizza.

We came back to the backstage area and I overheard ___ telling one of my coworkers that he was good at relationship advice but not at relationships. So, I (possibly fueled by alcohol), decided to ask for some advice. At the time, I had been sort of seeing this guy who I really liked but rarely asked me to hang out -- even though we texted all day everyday for about 2 months. I explained this situation to ___ and he said "It sounds like you're his back up plan. Don't be a back up plan. You're too good for that." It's completely obvious advice looking back on it, but it was just what I needed to hear at the time. I took his advice and stopped talking to the guy in question. I thought it was pretty cool that one of the biggest current pop stars, who specializes in writing love songs, gave me relationship advice.

So, it was definitely a memorable Monday and Tuesday. I definitely never thought I would be so lucky to hang out with _________ for two days straight. I dealt with a lot of people working as a server at a bar (including other celebrities -- none as famous as ___ though), but ____ and his crew displayed such kindness and class that is really rare these days (unfortunately). It really impressed me that a huge celebrity could be nicer than a lot of "regular" people and also would treat some random waitresses to an experience that they would never forget. So glad I decided to pick up that Monday shift!


  1. Bieber and Scooter Braun?

  2. Noel Gallagher (and the High Flying Birds).
    He's awesome

    1. Tour was maybe the 2012 one and Edmonton the city? Winnipeg? They played several locations in Canada that year

    2. I agree Noel is awesome but hr's not shit at relationships. He was married before to someone horrible and has been married to Sarah for many years.

    3. Meg ,the mum of his daughter Anais and he had a tumultuous relationship-at least he told me as much and (almost quoted this blind )and it was definitely kind of -war torn .Sarah and he seem great.... but they too were together quite a while before marrying .. probably gunsshy. Not saying it's him-Sheeran is a great guess and seems fantastic, but just because people stick/stay in relationships,doesn't mean they are "great at them" necessarily

    4. He actually went into detail about how it took a toll (drugs etc) and being a huge Verve/Richard Ashcroft fan I said "hey the Drugs Dont Work" (so clever lol😂) and he was like "nooooooo they dont"!
      Still lives his booze though ,but far less than Liam

  3. These are my favorite posts.

    1. They're nice to read. ♥

      Restores faith in humanity.

      I want someone to call me "sweet pea".

  4. Paul McCartney maybe? He's on tour now. Otherwise I like the Sheeran guess.

  5. I'm with you, Sharon - That's Macca!

  6. It isn't necessarily a current act, from reading the blind. My first thought was David Bowie, who was known to be very social and very good with fans,then Paul McCartney. It has to be someone who can fill stadiums. I'm not sure it is either one of them, Bowie had been sober for a long time before his death.

    Could be Clapton, could be Prince. AM interested to see the answer, whomever it is.

    1. Agreed. You'd have to be pretty old skool to call someone "sweet pea" (men don't do that anymore). ♥

  7. Sorry, I meant "not necessarily a current *tour*". But yes, McCartney would turn most people into a gobsmacked mess, could he not be good at relationships? He was married for more than 30 years and his partnership with the Beatles/John Lennon was beyond successful.

  8. I'm gonna guess Mick Jagger. A close friend found himself sitting next to him at a bar in California back in the '70's and said he was nice as could be, down to earth and extremely intelligent. I love Paul McC but I don't think he's the nice guy he like to portray himself as. Jmo.

    1. I like this guess but I think the access level after the patio party wouldn't happen with him. I doubt he hangs out with fans that much.

    2. Agree- dont think mccartney as nice as he tries to be, if that makes any sense.

  9. Clues: jag bombs. Tuesday: ruby Tuesday

  10. Or maybe Rod Stewart.

  11. I would love it to be Noel, one of my all time faves, but could also see Ed Sheeran being such a truly nice fellow.

    1. He is a lovely guy and sis this very thing for myself and my friends/sis during the Heathen Chemistry tour.... his management team is pure class as well...

  12. Harry Styles. Because he's kind and promotes kindness.

    But I'm thinking Ed Sheerhan maybe? Does he write love songs? I don't know more than the songs from the radio.

  13. I say Ed Sheehan too

  14. I hope this one gets revealed. I was thinking the waitresses must've been hot, but the maintenance man got front row too. I'm guessing Ed Sheeran. I met Patrick Swazey once at a horse show I worked at and I barely had the nerve to ask for his autograph, so I don't think I could've went and hung out with him. He was super nice and happily obliged.

  15. "Myself and the other girls..."

    Grrrr. Bad grammar, BAD! Did this shit go down in Winnipeg or something?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Bruno mars? Proposal story sounds close.

  18. Sounds very much like Rod the Mod.

  19. Ed Sheeran. Duh.

  20. its ed sheeran, article here

    1. Who was opening act, do you know?

  21. Band called Rixton supported Sheeran for the Canadian shows, they're one of Scooter Braun's lot.

  22. I just thought Ed Sheeran seemed young to be calling someone sweet pea. Blind struck me that it would he someone older. Well whoever it is, love it. Nice to not hear just drugs and sex (unless the poster left that out lol)

  23. We know the manager is English, but not if the star is. That said, this sounds like Rex Manning has changed his ways.

  24. My boyfriend calls me Sweet Pea but we broke up on Monday. Also, he is old. And a fan of Ed Sheeran.

  25. It's gotta be Paul Weller! Ace guy, was recently on tour in Canada. Love him, love his fans, and a very cool dude who still likes to party, now & then. He has a very cute song called "Sweet Pea". See link. Mentions of Noel Gallagher made me think of him - The Gallagher brothers see him as a god & one of their huge inspirations, and also inspired many other artists & bands as well. Weller has been a star since the 80s starting with the Mod/Punk band The Jam, then The Style Council, his solo career and work with Oasis and many others. Here's the song:

  26. Despite the article about the proposal at a Sheeran concert, that 90210Blaze posted, I want it to be Scooterchick's answer of Paul Weller. Sheeran seems too young for this story. On the other hand, can Weller fill an arena? And I also wouldn't describe him as one "who specializes in writing love songs."
    I suppose Morrisey is out? (no pun intended.)

  27. George Michael.
