Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Ryan Phillippe’s Ex-Fiancée Paulina Slagter Filed Harassment Report

When Paulina Slagter sent a Tweet that said "When there's smoke," after Ryan Phillippe got sued for domestic violence, people wanted to know more. Apparently the more is that when the pair broke up after years of dating, Ryan wouldn't stop bothering her and left her more and more threatening texts, including ones calling her a whore. He accused her of cheating, which if you look up blinds about them is the opposite of who cheated. Yes, Ryan was dating her when he had sex with Ashley Greene and they almost burned down an apartment building. Forgot about that didn't you. 


  1. According to published reports at the time, Ryan was Ashley's boyfriend when the fire incident occurred, so he must have been dating Ashley and cheating with Paulina. Either way, he gets around no doubt.

  2. If you throw someone down a flight of stairs won't the police arrest you. Assault is a crime.
