Friday, September 01, 2017

Four For Friday - Traditional

#1 - Kindness - This permanent A list athlete who still hopes to compete again but has seen better days paid almost $1M for the medical bills of an employee who was diagnosed with breast cancer.

#2 - That cable actress on the long running hit cable show threw her potential sister-in-law under the bus. She did so by telling her bff gossip writer a story who then ran with it. When other sites ran the story, the actress trashed all the other sites, but not the one she originally gave it to in the first place. I have told you on the past there is no love lost between the actress and the potential sister-in-law and this is not going to help things at all.

#3 - The pictures making the rounds of European magazines involving this foreign born A list dual threat actor and his family are faked. It is the reason larger European tabloids refused to buy them.

#4 - Apparently this foreign born Academy Award winner is willing to forgive anything because her full frontal loving actor boyfriend was busted again hooking up with another woman and the actress just keeps sticking with him. Probably her mom's friend told her to.


  1. sandybrook3:14 AM

    1-Tiger Woods?
    4-Vickander and the Fassy

  2. elle b3:16 AM

    2. meghan markle

  3. sandybrook3:17 AM


  4. 3) Cumby?

  5. pk4913:37 AM

    1. Serena Williams?

  6. Markle strikes again! Remember when she ruined Christmas.

  7. loserize4:17 AM

    yep,i think that's the answer to four too. :)

  8. Golden Girl4:19 AM

    I see Gator and her haters are at it again. Could they be more obvious

  9. sandybrook4:20 AM

    The Enterns always describe the Fassy that way.

  10. loserize4:22 AM

    #4. so if seems the movie 'shame' was actually a fassbender bio pic.

  11. Anyone else remember and miss Full Frontal Fridays?

  12. californiadreaming3164:34 AM

    Yep. Cumberbatch, his blackmailing beard or whatever she is, and their second born "son" were in a German magazine. Unfortunately they appear to have used an infant that is too young.

  13. FrenchToast4:49 AM

    #2 Meghan Markle and Kate. Meghan is so trashy how can Harry possibly?

  14. Sailonsilvermoon4:52 AM

    Oh, goodie more Septic/Hater BS about Cumberbatch and his family! That kid looks exactly like a baby that age should. Only the obsessed crazy haters wouldn't see what's obvious to everyone else. They just can't accept that BC got married and is happy being a father and a husband. It is no coincidence that these "blind items" come out worded EXACTLY like the haters on their blogs post them. You have to be a bunch of morons to believe any of this crap about Cumberbatch.

  15. Sunspirit5:02 AM

    #2: Meghan Markle. She is trash! I've said it since day one, that there is something iffy about her relationship with Prince Harry.

  16. Brooklyn Girl5:14 AM

    Totally down for return. Are you with me people?

  17. Thanks for #3, it is proof positive that the Cumberbatch skeptics send in blinds and that this website accepts them, and then the skeptics hang around refreshing the page to down vote anyone who calls them out. Here is the link for the German website that posted the photos. They are not fake, they are not photoshopped. They are very real photos of a man, his wife, and their youngest of two very real sons. http://www,gala,de/stars/news/star-babys--sternchen-in-hollywood-20442972,html

  18. Click on my user name for a working link. My bad.

  19. Cumberbitchy6:38 AM

    I feel genuinely sad when I think of all those "fans" obsessing over Cumberbatch. He's an incredibly talented actor, to be sure, but their fixation on him is extremely unhealthy. They'd be better off using the time they use obsessing over him to receive therapy from a licensed professional.

  20. #4 Is this the reason she went to Montreal last week? Mr. Fass has been hooking up with a crew member for about a month now.

  21. Dannette7:55 AM

    Sparkles is #2

  22. SuperCool Manchu8:12 AM

    I know that it's pointless to mention this, but here's a question: Why is it that I'm not sure I ever have read here about "fake" photos, with fake children, etc. about other stars? Or if so, extremely rare? But the speculation about ALL KINDS of *fake* photos always comes up with the Cumber Skeptics? Fake this. Fake that. I don't know any more than the next person about the truth. It's all speculation on gossip sites. But really, does not the fact that he appears to be practically the *only* star so consistently caught up in *lying* in these extreme ways perhaps make you question your assumptions?? True, there's an awful lot on here about gay-ness and cheating and drug use. Sell me that in a minute about Cumberbatch. But staging fake marriage on top of fake pregnancy on top of double-fake babies....

  23. Erin B8:41 AM

    Yes! Enty, make it so!!!

  24. Jasper9:33 AM

    Why hello Aeltri. Weird how that MM one is almost verbatim from your insane blog. Folks, this is the regular Cumberbrcrazy branch again.

  25. Jasper9:37 AM

    Yes. This is class Gator and Aeltri. Pics of Hal Cumberbatch surfaced and they lost their collective shit. They immediately sent in a blind item.

  26. Jasper9:38 AM

    Oh do shut up. Everyone knows you are batshit crazy. The kid in the pic looks like a normal 5-6 month old. You are an idiot and an embarrassment to human kind.

  27. Jasper9:47 AM

    Didn't you know? Sophie Hunter is an evil mastermind who is a drug dealer, human trafficker, occultist and blackmailer. She has forced poor Cumberbatch to pretend to be married and pretend to be a father to two fake children so that she can achieve fame which explains why she is just ALL OVER our airwaves, right? And to think that there's not been one single legit media figure that has broken what would have to be the celeb scandal and story of the century. . .nay. .. ALL centuries, and instead it is a couple of little known bloggers from the western US who know ALL. Sounds logical, right?

  28. Hortensia10:55 AM

    Megan Markle isn't that stupid or foolish.

  29. anndie11:38 AM

    Maybe the larger newspapers aren't using the crumby pics because they feature the baby front and center and either can't legally use them without blurring the baby's face and they don't want to bother or they may have some decency to not feature children.

  30. I'll go with Colin Kapernick for #1.

  31. Maddie12:19 PM

    Tell us more about it.

  32. Sd Auntie2:38 PM

    Wish the cumberbatches would sue these psycho hoes.

  33. Apparently they've known each other for a while, since this woman worked in one of his (recent) movies. They seem very friendly with each other.

  34. Scandi Sanskrit10:07 PM

    At the risk of sounding like a cray hateful bitch, reading BI #2 was mighty satisfying... Personally, I dislike my potential sister-in-law with a passion. A. PASSION. I totally get it now! I never understood the tension someone trying to marry into your family could bring until a woman inserts herself into your life like she does (even if I sound like a bitch in this comment, I still think my brother's girlfriend is a stalkerish maniac—she's the REAL crazy one). So I totally get it. ?

    I can't wait until she breaks up with my brother and finally goes away... ????

  35. Scandi Sanskrit10:14 PM

    Honestly, though, even if she IS an occultist, SO WHAT?! Let people practice their beliefs (as long as they're doing no harm and they respect other people's basic human rights in the process—so unless she's performing some human sacrifice, leave her alone about it).

    Tumblr is so full of hypocritical SJW. I remember one SJW skeptic who used to come to the more esoteric Cumberbatch blogs and leave comments for the esoteric fans basically saying, "your beliefs are bullshit." Because their religion is "science" or something. Hypocritical assholes.

    Also, the skeptics used to call his wife "Wierdo" as an insult. I'd take that as a compliment, thank you very much. ????

  36. Daisy4:33 AM

    #4 Is definitely Michael Fassbender.

  37. Diary4:49 AM

    #4 is Vikander and Michael Fassbender. It's not cheating when your relationship is for PR purposes only.

  38. Alice Hastings12:55 PM

    They are really odd people. Why would any woman bother spending their lives spreading lies about other women? Don't women have enough trouble?

  39. Random 1016:26 PM

    No 1 has to be Serena Williams or Tiger Woods. They are both permanent A listers, currently not playing and hope to play in the future. With Serena, the age thing could stop her. SADLY. I would love for her to win ONE tournament just to shut everyone up. Try as you might, Kaperick is currently not A list. From the looks of it he wont be ever.

  40. BlissBoo7:24 PM

    If #2 is MM, what was the story? I haven't seen anything that's gossip worthy of late. Till then I call BS.

  41. SuperCool Manchu3:26 AM

    Yes, I know. It is amazing, but the Skeptics have done a service to mankind in "outing" this horrible Escort, Blackmailer, Phony, talentless, pretentious, Wanna-be Artist, famewhoring, gold-digging, POS, who even flips her hair in an offensive manner. Her smile, her face, her taste in clothing--all abominable, vomit-inducing. And yet, I want to spend all my time thinking about her, analyzing her, researching her...because "nobody cares about her anyway..." RIIIIGGHHTTT.

  42. Gauchita3:26 AM

    Lainey at Lainey Gossip is friends with MM's friends (they are all from Toronto), and had a blind about how one time Kate was a rude ashole to MM;

  43. mememe12:14 PM

    Why would cumberbatch fake photos?

  44. shakey3:30 AM

    But who is her Mom's friend?

  45. shakey3:32 AM

    Pray they don't have children.

  46. shakey3:37 AM

