Friday, September 22, 2017

Four For Friday - Ships And Stanning And Stuff

It has been awhile since I have written from this space. Fitting, I suppose because this format is where it all began almost 11 years ago. Anyway, for those of you have never been here before, welcome. Also, you can still e-mail me by clicking that mail looking icon over on the right or just typing in Facebook and Twitter links are over there too, but I also suggest this Facebook link which I need to make an icon. It is a companion page to the site and uses the same photo from back in the day as I am using again. I don't have a part in it, but think it is great. Due to the limits imposed by Blogger, I can only move a few months of posts over each day. Except for two months worth of reveals, all of them are here from 2006 to the present. Another few days and the blind items will all be here too.

Usually on Fridays if there is more than one item, than I try and number them to have four separate items. Hence the name. I will number these as I go, but I'm going to make it more free form and see where it goes. Just a lot of bits and pieces that have accumulated over the past few weeks.

An unmarked car waiting in front of an apartment building every morning at 4am. The Vancouver police noticed it because they were watching a building next door which was rumored to contain a stash house for a bunch of drugs. Every night this car would be there. They noticed a couple of things. It was always there right before 4, and about half the time someone would emerge from the building and get in the car which would then drive away. The other half the time, no one would emerge and the car would leave at 415 empty.

Last week the police had the car pulled over about a two blocks from the building on a morning it had pulled out empty. According to the driver of the car, he was paid a certain sum of money every month to show up at the apartment building at 4. He was a full time limo driver and had met this almost network B+ list mostly television actress (#1) about a year ago. Each time she called for a limo he was the one who was assigned to her and they established a rapport. She explained that she often spent the night at her co-star's (#2) apartment but never knew in advance if it would happen or not. The thing is it was hard for her to get a cab at 4am to run by her place to get ready to go to the set. Would our limo driver be willing? So, every morning he is there waiting.

Sticking to Vancouver, it seems that this doing another season of the reboot A-/B+ list actress from one of the all-time ship relationships never to go public (#3) is miserable in a new deal she signed for appearances. The deal is with a company run by this foreign born showrunner who loves royalty. Our actress can't stand the guy and didn't want to sleep with him but wants roles in his shows so signed a deal to make appearances. It is not going well and apparently he does try to sleep with her every chance he gets.

Finally, moving away from Vancouver and a network show that is finishing its run, it was quite the surprising thing to see this actor (#4) from the show on the arm of another woman/not his wife (#5) other than the co-star (#6) from the show. For the past few months, things have seemed to have been cooling off. This just was further proof that this ship couple everyone wanted to have emerge in public just might never have that day. They are both moving on from the show soon and from the looks of it, he is moving on now rather than later.


  1. 4 & 6. Scandal, Kerry Washington and Tony Goldwin?

  2. 3. Gillian Anderson

  3. 1)Emily Brett Rikard/Steve Amell

  4. 1- Emily Bett Rickardsdating
    2-- Amell
    3-Gillian Anderson
    The rest Tony Goldwyn, Scandal, Kerry Washington, Huma Abedin, Jane Musky

  5. The first paragraph seems to indicate that a decision has been made to park the site back here on Blogger again. If I'm reading that right, thank you Enty!

  6. Sounds like it doesn't it Austin. All that work to transfer files means he plans to stay here a bit.

  7. @ sandybrook :))

  8. What is 'stanning'..a combo of stalking & fan? Love the new format

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. A “Stan” is a die hard fan of someone and originates from the Eminem song by the same name.

      So “stanning” is basically the act of supporting that person.

  9. Meghan Markle somewhere in there but then Jennifer Morrison and the guy who plays Hook in Once Upon A Time.

  10. Im notgetting the whole ship couple thing. Whay does that mean?

    1. “Shippers” are fans of specific relationSHIPS - wanting an onscreen couple to be together and / or even more common, wanting co-stars to be together in real life.

  11. #3 has to be Gillian Anderson.

  12. shipping is also big in fan fiction; ie wanting sherlock and moriarty to get together.

  13. Sounds like it, Austin and Sandybrook. Thank you Enty!!!

  14. 3 is def GILLIAN ANDERSON

  15. Ugh, really? Hope it doesn't stay here. But I won't read too much into Paragraph 1.

  16. "Stanning" is hugely negative - in the Eminem song, Stan is a deranged fan who kills his girlfriend/himself because the celebrity doesn't acknowledge his "love." I wouldn't call a stan "supportive."

  17. He's not with Huma---must be someone else.

  18. Ah yes, back to the beautiful Hollywood skyline, gone are the cheesy red velvet curtains.
    Thank you Enty! Will be back for more.

  19. Thank you so much! I stopped reading this site because it was to cumbersome to navigate. I was an avid reader for years. Thank u!

  20. 3 Gillian Anderson. Showrunner got his revenge in Portofino.

  21. 3 is Gillian Anderson. I don't know what the heck she was thinking by signing a deal with Peter Morgan. It is vox populi that guy is a womanizer and has no respect for women. She should go public with her real partner David Duchovny instead and get out of that toxic PR relationship. That toxic PR relationship with Peter Morgan is ruining her public image and turning the fandom against her.

  22. 3 is defiantly Gillian Anderson and her fake PR relationship with Peter Morgan
