Sunday, September 03, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 27, 2017

This one named always broke rapper is trying to hide from a former business partner. This kind of issue won’t be settled in the courts.



  1. sandybrook3:05 AM

    You would expect Tyga would have unsavory "business partners".

  2. Whywhywhy???4:19 AM

    Out of curiousity I listened for a few seconds of this man's hits. Ugh. Seems a case of him believing his music videos. In this case, life may follow "art."

  3. Do Tell5:31 AM

    I can easily see a Tyga skin rug decorating some gangsta's floor, soon.

  4. Sylvia7:07 AM

    Can't stand this idiot.

  5. .Hot Cola10:05 AM

    He can't get more fully even if he gets beaten up.

  6. .Hot Cola10:05 AM

    (Autocorrect didn't recognize the new English 2017:)...

  7. BlissBoo5:37 PM

    Hit(s)? I've never listened to any of Tyga's crap. In fact, I don't listen to any of these two beat hustlers calling themselves ganstas/rappers and rollin' with the Trashian whores. Laughable at best. Tupac is rolling in his grave.

    What was his "hit" and when was it? It could not have been on Billboard's Top 100. How on Earth this loser thinks he's got money banking off of one "hit"? The only way he's making his money is by pushing drugs and Lord knows what else.

    I'll never understand why anyone would date this sort of ilk.

  8. .Hot Cola1:28 PM

    The IQ of both will fit into a pea
