Friday, September 15, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 8, 2017

Really easy to lose a whole bunch of baby weight and have the tabloids congratulate you when you were never actually pregnant in the first place. Isn’t that right permanent A lister?

Janet Jackson


  1. Dazzle5:14 AM

    why would she do such as thing, what would she gain (no punt intended) by fooling folks.

  2. She would have to admit she had a child w Debarge yrs and this kid is the baby's real mother...looks like she's raising her grandson.

  3. yrs AGO that is

  4. sandybrook8:01 AM

    Because the kid she had with deBarge she gave away to be raised by someone else and now the kid had a baby and Janet is raising that one by herself because the kid isnt able. Fake pregnancy

  5. Whywhywhy???8:01 AM

    If they have Jerry Lewis' daughter, why can't they find this damn Debarge child and identify already... Also, sadly, women past menopause now bear children. Google it entern.... Not saying Janet did but she sure could have.

  6. Jennerationb8:38 AM

    I asked the same thing a few months ago. If it was to get more $ from the billionaire ex by giving him an heir, I'm sure he would have known if she was faking the pregnancy & birth. It's long been rumored that if she had a"secret" child w/ James DeBarge, it was most likely raised by her older sister Rebi. If this secret child exists, they would be in their early to mid 30's, so certainly old enough to raise a child, especially with financial help from Janet. Unless, like Sandybrook says, they aren't able to take care of the child (possibly due to illness or maybe drug issues). There are a whole lot of "IF"s in this theory, so who knows what's true.

  7. Surely a MultiBillionaire Sheik type can find someone easier to procreate with than a menopausal Jackson diva. She must have been his teenage crush. All I got.

  8. Guesser10:11 AM

    The Jerry Lewis daughter is homeless,can be paid to talk, the Jackson daughter is well taken care of. Every time a De Barge starts to talk,they are silenced,probably with money.

  9. I wonder what goes through the mind of a woman as they wake up a and have to put on a fake pregnancy bump. I bet they say to themselves that this is fucking nuts. I also wonder if you buy a whole set of bumps in the beginning or get one that's inflatable?

  10. Sd auntie2:22 PM

    Pregnancy over the age of 40 is high risk!! Not worth it.

  11. but she was clearly huge. I love the new format btw. I'm actually reading all these. heck I'm even commenting!! thanks for bringing back the old way.
