Friday, September 29, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 22, 2017

Considering she is working on about an hour of sleep a night, the energy levels for this former tweener turned adult singer/actress filming a new movie for the A lister are pretty high. The bags under the eyes though are going to be tough to remove from screen. They give her a totally different look than the part requires and the director actually said something about them.

Selena Gomez


  1. Serves him right for stunt casting. I mean Selena G, really?!?!? No other actresses could have played the part she's playing?!?!?!

  2. If I had a transplant, bags would be the least if my worries. And that God awful anti rejection RX..

  3. So, Sd, you believe she had a transplant and is up working now? Not me.

  4. If she's taking prednisone to avoid organ rejection, that will give her crazy energy and not let her me, I know!

  5. @SD Auntie

    Sep 27th, out and about, looking healthy (and, of course, Lupus free) even if kidney surgery could be carried out laparoscopically!

    What utter horshit.

  6. jfc people actually think she did not have a kidney transplant? lol wow.

  7. The person I know who had a kidney transplant felt better immediately (better than the person who donated), but was still not up to a regular schedule for months. Of course, he was also a bit older. But still, that's major surgery, I'm not convinced.

  8. Selena had the transplant months before,she may have needed it because of drug use rather than lupus,but I still think she had it.As @Fairylights said,they feel better, since they don't get it unless they are ill.George Lopez was up and using drugs and cheating on his wife soon after.

    1. Correct guesser. Drug use and autoimmune disease will speed up the kidney failure. Yes I believe she did undergo the procedure. Sorry. I take prednisone when Ill and side effects are horrid.

  9. Assuming no complications you're out of hospital in about 10 days after a kidney transplant. You can be back working 6 weeks later as long as you avoid heavy lifting. It often takes the donor longer to recover than the person receiving the kidney.
