Monday, September 04, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 29, 2017

Apparently this A-/ B+ list mostly movie actress is not too happy with her A list ex. She has been sending a nanny as of late when he wants to spend time with the kids.

Jennifer Garner/Ben Affleck


  1. sandybrook3:06 AM

    She better be old or fug as hell Jen.

  2. Constance3:48 AM

    His new girlfriend is old and fug as hell so apparently that doesn't matter to him.

  3. sandybrook4:04 AM

    But he's supposedly still screwing the original nanny as well and she's not old or fug.

  4. Uh, I'm sure he's thrilled, actually. The nanny does all the work while he gets to look good for the paps. Why wouldn't parents who have nannies, you know, USE them? lol Is that not their entire purpose? They aren't paid to sit around the house and keep friendless Jen entertained.

  5. Guesser4:42 AM

    I agree,and I think Jen would be thrilled if he cheats on the public girlfriend, so maybe she sends a hot one. I think she doesn't trust him regarding drinking and using drugs around the kids,

  6. Glory Bea6:17 AM

    He's out parting with the new GF and doesn't give a eff anymore about anything, counting down til he's in rehab again.

  7. marc2stop9:11 AM

    he'll probably end up bonking the chaperone nanny too lol

  8. marc2stop9:12 AM

    everytime he is out in public he looks blitz'd as f, totally obvious drunk, bloated w/the red face. pretty sad, slipping right back into alcoholism

  9. marc2stop9:12 AM

    apparently he's still banging the other nanny that he was exposed w/ so, hes already cheating on snookus. also, that last name, I cant not laugh

  10. marc2stop9:13 AM

    well we all saw what Ahhhnold's nanny looked like, and he still got her pregnant. she was....fug is an understatement.

    basically anything that isnt their wife, they bang.

  11. Haywood Jablomee11:07 AM

    I think she is mostly in commercials, not movies.

  12. Hortensia11:50 AM

    A generous kindness to help out the ex while he's got the kids.

  13. Tell me whe he begins looking good for the paps. This I've got to see.

  14. lol you're so gullible. the nanny christine fake tip was sent in from someone on datalounge to see if it would get printed.

    he could cheat on shookus a dozen times and it still wouldn't compare to the decade of humiliations he put dumb jen through, who took it like the doormat that she is

  15. .Hot Cola1:19 PM

    Its so obvious he's been drinking again

  16. .Hot Cola1:20 PM

    How can his gf find him attractive?

  17. He's been photographed in liquor store with his girlfriend.

  18. .Hot Cola1:22 PM

    Lowest hanging fruit..

  19. I'm still hoping to see Jen out and about with a hottie. She's a gorgeous movie star herself and should have a fun night while Ben is with the Nanny and the kids. I wonder if the one she's sending looks like the old nanny. I bet not!
