Saturday, September 23, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 25, 2017

This foreign born A- list director who is probably still more famous for who he was married to rather than his directing managed to escape the negative publicity surrounding one of his favorite athletes turned actor. Our director was there for the bad events but managed to keep his name and face far from the scandal.

Guy Ritchie/Vinnie Jones/100 dead foxes


  1. I guess the bad events was Jones posing with 100 dead foxes he said he shot dead?

  2. Yes, that is the motive that the answer isGuy Ritchie/Vinnie Jones/100 dead foxes

  3. Hell, I had to use goolagmail in order to write comments, that goddamned capcha has banned me.

  4. I'm pretty sure there have been pix of Guy Ritchie hunting. And I'm pretty sure he's taken his son with him to hunt as well so there should be no surprise here. None whatsoever.

  5. Kermie you've never been banned from this blogger site, you've been here even longer than Montana and I have.

  6. It is necessary to cull foxes and even squirrels in the English country side, or they cause havoc with the flora and fauna. To have a healthy eco-system you need a balanced population of those two. Hysterical Ignorance is bliss.

  7. You know what's even weirder is, I mainly remember Guy Ritchie for a commercial advertisement he directed (rather than any of his films). I have seen "Sherlock Holmes" and "King Arthur", but I always remember him for that Nike ad he did for their "Take It To The Next Level" (?) campaign. It was pretty cool, actually. The entire thing was shot from the POV of a football player as he goes from smaller leagues to bigger ones, end at the FIFA World Cup.
