Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 5, 2017

It has been a few months now and this A list couple still don’t have the baby story down.

George and Amal Clooney


  1. sandybrook2:03 AM

    And according to you neither do BCoop and Shayk.

  2. Guesser2:17 AM

    You would think these two would be good at this, being she is a lawyer and all.

  3. Simon2:29 AM

    Why are celebrities so full of shit. Nothing they say in interviews and late night shows is true. I guess they think we will buy it

  4. Heather Duke2:52 AM

    So what is the real story - surrogate, bearding...?

  5. ThisNThat5:36 AM

    Because most people - apart from ones like us who read these sites and know better - do.

  6. According to George, she is breastfeeding their twins every 3 hours and he dutifully gets up with her. I don't know whose boobs Georgie is really watching because Amal stated many times those kids are being bottle fed and have been....ever since the SURROGATE popped them out for Popeye and Olive Oil.

  7. She looks like she has a fancy cocaine habit. Probably had a surrogate.

  8. Dannette9:07 AM

    Apparently she's the beard for his political aspirations. So weird.

  9. Marlo9:15 PM

    Apparently she's never won a case
