Friday, September 22, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 14, 2017

It is all fun and light when the cameras are turned on but this A- list mostly television actress is causing chaos behind the scenes of her rebooted show with tons of demands that are making the crew really dislike her and causing a divide within the production.

Debra Messing/Will & Grace


  1. Nobody likes Coke Mom, nobody!😣I guess she thinks she's the reason people watched this shit.

  2. My wife and I would have preferred just Jack and Megan.
    They were the true stars of the original.

  3. I love the show but can not stand "GRACE". The show would survive without her........Jack....Karen and Will are FANtastic!!!

  4. She's a class A bitch. I wish somebody would slap the shit out of her.

  5. she hasn't changed a lick. it was always the Jack and Megan show.
