Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 12, 2017

This reality momager is leaking to the press that the family is spending millions of dollars on security and housing and an endless list of expenses for the protection of a pseudo family member who is in charge so to speak of a soon to be family member. All of it is crap, especially anything to do with the former A+ list rapper who is basically a zombie.

Kris Jenner/Kanye West/surrogate


  1. Not sure I follow all this. Kanye is in charge of the surrogate? The surrogate is in charge of Kanye? Or maybe I just don't care and that's why I can't figure it out. *yawns and stares out my window at work*

  2. More than usual are flying right over my head today too, if it's any consolation. No clue re: your question.

  3. The surrogate (pseudo-family member) is currently in charge of the baby.

  4. I doubt all of it is crap because if it's a girl, it's extremely valuable to PMK.

  5. Ahh.. thanks Cary

  6. Sandy, you just made my skin crawl.

  7. CDAN needs to get better writers. The blinds now have lots of unclear run-on sentences.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I can't make much sense out of most of this site. Maybe it was better in the past. I only recently found it. Seems like a PR shitshow.

  8. @nemo. Agree 💯. It could be written more clear and still not list the name until the reveal. Half assed.
