Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 11, 2017

What should have been a happy occasion between this permanent A list model and her A- list actor ex turned into one of those hushed fights you do in public so no one hears you but everyone knows you are fighting. An alliterate model had to get in between them from it getting more heated.

Helena Christensen/Norman Reedus/Karlie Kloss


  1. Good for Karlie. I googled the pics - Helena and Karlie look stunning and Reedus looks like drunk trailer trash.

    1. As far as I'm concerned, he IS drunk trailer trash.

  2. This is bullshit. This guy, "Enty," has a disclaimer that a lot of what he posts is made up by him. I imagine him high, going through gossip photos and articles, creating a storyline. Do I believe this? No. But it's still entertainment. Like a magician, you need to understand what's real and what isn't.

  3. I don't know about everything ENTY post???? But this one is has real as it comes!!!

  4. I say good for Helena. What that poor woman has to deal with, they have a young son together. Reedus isn't exactly all put together.

  5. "Alliterate"!! Loving this. #Clever
