Thursday, September 14, 2017

Blind Item #6

I think we all knew from her history that this marriage would be unusual. We are not being disappointed. This A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is traditional. She got married to have children. She also doesn't want to do IVF. She only sees her husband the few days per month that she is ovulating. Other than that, they lead separate lives.


  1. Tricia131:26 AM

    Jessica Chastain?

  2. longtimereader2:43 AM

    Still contend that he is a closet case.

  3. matchless5:52 AM

    this is Jessica Chastain. She and her longtime partner JessWeixler. Both of them got married to end the questions about their sexuality & relationship. The baby will be theirs, Chastain just uses her beard now-husband for cover (and a sperm donation).

    she is one gorgeous lesbian!

  4. Jasmine9:29 AM

    I'm glad to see Chastain has been upgraded to A+

  5. It's just frustrating for me. I honestly can't name a single thing she's ever done, but I read about her here all the time!

  6. Guesser12:00 PM

    I'm pretty sure both are gay,but it's funny he says she's traditional.

  7. Watch The Help, she is amazing and Zero Dark Thirty, another good role. Her new movie Molly's Game looks good too. Take Selter and The Huntsman, she and Hemsworth together. I think those are the only movies I've seen with Jessica.

  8. C-Dog1:38 PM

    I love La Chastain so much, but even I wouldn't call her A+ list.

  9. Random 1016:18 PM

    Didn't Enty say that Chastain did not have the baby conversation with the groom and that he does not want babies and its all going to come out and there will be major issues then??? :P
