Monday, September 25, 2017

Blind Item #1

I know it is a vacation and all, but a couple of things. This Teen Mom paid for all of it and right now her cash flow situation is not great, Second, she has been wasted drunk almost the whole time she has been there which is probably not the best idea.


  1. Jenelle on her honeymoon?

  2. farrah? i see she's in italy.

  3. Definitely Amber in Hawaii with her new replacement for Matt. He cleaned her accts dry before leaving for Vegas. Teen mom paying for it, shocked not shocked!

  4. Why doesn't anyone call CPS on these idiots?

  5. Yup it's Amber. "Not the best idea" because she is a former addict. She has been photographed in HI with her new boy toy. Yup, Matt cleaned her out of ca$h. That is why the ca$h flow problem. I hope this guy works out for her.
