Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Blind Item #10

Are they intentionally misleading the public? It is really tough to tell. They certainly are not being 100% truthful. Many regular respected, non kneepaddy publications have been given enough cash to make it seem like the wigs being worn by this A+ list reality star are her own hair. She did dye her own hair to match the wig color, but the ads selling products make it seem as if the wig is the star's real hair. It is at a minimum shady. 


  1. How can the blonde mess KTrash was wearing yesterday be considered her real hair?

    1. I don't think she's seen her real hair since 2008

  2. Bwahaha I bet she has bald spots anyway

  3. PMK must own Page Six. What the hell was that pathetic photoshoot of Kim Kardashian and her assistant at the empty beach? Kim Kardashian the cocaine addicted prostitue was so embarrassed of her cottage cheese, stretch marked ass on the cover of Star Magazine she had to pay for her retouched pictures to be seen. Kim Kardashian is delusional. We all know she had to stage that robbery to recover from her latest round of plastic surgery. That untouched picture is the real Kim Kardashian.

  4. Nothing about her is real, fake hair, fake butt, fake everything right down to her attitude towards her own fans
