Monday, August 21, 2017

Your Turn

Buying a lottery ticket this week? First thing you would buy of you win.


  1. sandybrook3:03 AM

    I'm considering it. If I won it the first thing I'd buy is one of the estates overlooking the lake.

  2. Probably not.
    I'd probably be hit by lightening while waiting in line at Primm 'Lotto Store!!
    Or be attacked by a shark!'
    Or, be attacked by a polar bear!

  3. omaxem3:20 AM

    An envelope, to present my resignation letter.

  4. AndrewBW3:26 AM

    Maybe. Depends on whether I'm at a store or gas station before then. First thing I would by would be a pair of ear plugs so I could tell all my relatives "La la la I can't hear you!"

  5. NoNotThatBeth3:35 AM

    Bought a couple this morning. First time I've been out since surgery a couple weeks ago. But the house for sale near my parents' place in the country. I am an optimist!

  6. NoNotThatBeth3:36 AM

    *buy the house*

  7. Only if I happen to be somewhere that sells them. I would buy something for my husband. Not sure what, but he has put up with my family for years (and my cranky mom moving in with us) and he deserves some pampering. He is a saint. So, maybe golf clubs. Or a vintage jeep.

  8. Phyllis Whitweed3:37 AM

    First I'd set up a trust so the winnings can be received without my name released. Second, a postcard. Third, a trip out of the country so I can tell everyone by postcard that I won but I'm unreachable for a year. If you were kind to me you will receive gifts. Don't try to find me.

  9. Brooklyn Girl3:39 AM

    I'm not buying one, because I don't have the money. Seriously. But if I did, and I won, I would pay all my medical bills from the last three years, pay my other debts, and give a large chunk to charity, and a few close friends would get a nice gift of cash.

  10. Do Tell3:44 AM

    Sure, why not. If I remember.

    I guess I'd schedule some renovations and get a personal trainer.

  11. JustReading3:47 AM

    I'd buy a yacht, travel out to Cannes and then pay to sodomize Selena Gomez on it.

  12. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley4:02 AM

    Anderson Cooper wanted to win the lotto so he prayed to God, but he lost.
    The next week he prayed to God again, and he lost.
    The week after he prayed to God, and he lost.
    Finally, Anderson said to God, why wont you let me win?
    God actually replied, How about buying a ticket first?

  13. Sd. Auntie4:09 AM

    Ocean front property in DelMar or Encinitas and north Shore Hawaii.

  14. Marianne4:22 AM

    A house on the beach at ocean isle beach, North Carolina.
    Then secondly a dog rescue and maintain it with people I trust who loves animals as much as I do.

  15. OG JustReading4:39 AM

    Again, not me. I'm the sodomizee & not a fan of chipmunk cheeks.

  16. HH3144:50 AM

    1. Yes
    2. My financial freedom - will quit work immediately

  17. Gator5:07 AM

    A sparkling new meth lab.

  18. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:19 AM

    I buy the lottery, and the euromillion everyweek.
    I do not plan on advance.

  19. anon.e6:30 AM

    A new EV/Hybrid car

  20. OG JustReading7:00 AM

    Wow. You are boring.

  21. Simply Nana7:10 AM

    I don't buy them, but wish good luck to all who do!

  22. Wanda7:34 AM

    An attorney!

  23. impartial observer8:55 AM

    Tricked out RV.

  24. NoseyNeighbor9:29 AM

    Pay off my mortgage and my siblings' mortgages. Go to all the restaurants I've been meaning to try. Go on one of those Affleck style benders. Go shopping. Invest the rest of my money. Head back to work.

  25. Never gonna happen, but I'd try to buy ABC TV if I could. That network needs setting straight.

  26. .Hot Cola11:21 AM

    A friggin great tax accountant, two good tax attornies, a stelle wealth managment firm and a bunch of shelf corporations.
    Than an Island vacation, a strand of Tahitian Pearls and a Black Amex

  27. I used to go to those beaches in North Carolina. Beautiful. Not boring at all.

  28. zerooptions8:12 AM

    Thanks for the reminder!
    I'd buy a brand new shiny dodge 2500 mega cab with huge front and rear bumpers and come and hang out with you enty!
