Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Your Turn

The greatest band of all time.


  1. sandybrook3:03 AM

    The Beatles

  2. In no particular order:
    The Beatles
    The Rolling Stones
    The Who
    The Beach Boys
    Led Zeppelin
    The Eagles
    Van Halen
    Sly and the Family Stone
    Black Sabbath
    The Ramones
    Earth, Wind & Fire

  3. Maidstone3:11 AM

    Led Zep...Pink Floyd. There's too many! But The BEATLES are the Greatest Band of ALL TIME.

  4. Tricia133:13 AM

    Tough question--but U2 is on the list--especially for a Live Band

  5. Beatles . . . and it's not close. Real question is who's next (no pun intended)

  6. hakunafrittata3:19 AM

    In terms of hits and staying power, I've got to give it to the Stones.

    They aren't necessarily my favorite, but they fit that bill.

  7. hothotheat3:21 AM

    Hands down. The Beatles. Rolling Stones and Beach Boys next in line.

  8. just sayin\'3:22 AM

    the beatles

  9. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley3:22 AM

    Our high school band director once got struck by lightning in the middle of our halftime performance. Hans, the tuba player, looked over to me after it happened and said "I guess that proves he's a good conductor".

  10. Salaam3:36 AM

    Record - The Beatles
    Live - Peter Gabriel era Genesis, with 70s era Earth Wind and Fire (when they played with a full horn section) and Pink Floyd close runners-up.

  11. Do Tell4:00 AM

    Peter Gabriel is a GOD and everyone should see him in concert at least once as part of a bucket list.

  12. Do Tell4:02 AM

    I don't know about "of all time" but I'm torn,for my personal all time favorites, between Eagles / Beatles / Rolling Stones.

    Solo Artist: tied between David Bowie/ Peter Gabriel/ John Lennon

  13. just sayin\'4:07 AM

    how can anyone give the beatles a thumbs down, lol?

  14. Gator4:13 AM

    The Stones. They were great in concert too, in their heyday.

  15. Gator4:14 AM

    Actually, the Eagles were good in concert, too.

  16. Salaam4:22 AM

    If the question were favorite solo performer, it would be Gabriel hands down. Seen him well over a dozen times, and each show is a religious experience.

  17. zerooptions4:48 AM

    The band that worked on Bowie's Heroes album!
    Bowie, Carlos Alomar, George Murray, Brian Eno, Robert Fripp, Tony Visconti, Antonia Mass
    I wore out my vinyl and now my CD is skipping...

  18. AndrewBW4:57 AM

    The Clash. They made great records and, at their peak (1979-1980) they were totally astounding in concert. I stopped listening to rock and roll after they broke up. What was the point? They drove that car as far as it would go.

  19. Samantha4:58 AM

    To me, The Beach Boys > The Beatles and the Rolling Stones. I have a deep respect for everything the Beatles and Stones pioneered and contributed to rock music, but to me, what TBB sound embodies is much harder to achieve. Followed by Pink Floyd and Aerosmith. (Unrelated: Johnny Depp might have based Jack Sparrow on Keef but you take a look at Steven Tyler and tell me he isn't Jack Sparrow's half-brother.)

  20. Do Tell5:04 AM

    Same here..I've seen him at least five times, first time at the Amnesty International concert in NJ in 1986 and then on the So tour the next year at MSG. I was 5th row to see him and Sting at Coney Island a year or two ago and I was just agog the entire time. He is riveting and magnificent in concert.

  21. Do Tell5:27 AM

    Queen should get a shout out too.

  22. Salaam5:53 AM

    "It blows a hole in the radio, when it hasn't sounded good all week".
    LOVED The Clash!

  23. Phyllis Whitweed6:23 AM

    I know they're not the greatest of all time, and I never saw them live, but I love CCR. I can actually listen to it in a migraine, which I have all the time. It makes me feel good.

  24. Beatles, Queen, LedZeppelin....

  25. Brooklyn Girl6:48 AM

    The Beatles.

  26. CityGirl7:03 AM

    Led Zeppelin
    Earth Wind & Fire

  27. Silicolifeform8:21 AM

    Alvin and the Chipmunks.

  28. Gator girl8:29 AM

    Rolling Stones

  29. zerooptions8:57 AM

    Migraine sufferer? Have you read "No more Headaches, No more Migraines" by Zuzana Bic?
    This helped me a lot! I still get one from time to time but at much less the frequency and intensity.

  30. Lord Norman Conquest9:04 AM

    Well, no one with any class here,
    The Doors obviously (in the world)
    Motorhead obviously (British)
    The Paybacks (not so obviously)

  31. HH3149:23 AM

    Also, ABBA. I don't care what the rest of you say, they were awesome

  32. Mop top9:25 AM

    Led Zeppelin, hands down.

  33. Salaam10:02 AM

    People often forget just how freaking incredible The Doors were, since their span was relatively short. But everything I've ever read convinces me that Jim was one of the greatest live performers ever.

  34. anon.411:16 AM

    The Jimi Hendrix Experience

  35. Gr8 to see so many fab bands listed, but the correct answer is Radiohead

  36. Damn right they were. BTW if you get the chance, listen to Yngwie Malmsteen doing Gimme Gimme Gimme. Even if you aren't into metal at all, it's freakin awesome.

  37. SundaySilence8912:55 PM

    1. The Beatles
    2. The Stones
    3. The Clash
    4. Guns N Roses (my personal no.1)
    5. Van Halen (DLR version)

  38. I always listen to Abba when I clean. Love them.

    I have to throw in REM and Talking Heads.

  39. Random1012:08 PM

    QUEEN!! Freddie Mercury is the best singer/songwriter ever and "Bohemian Rhapsody" is the best song ever written. They had everything - the voice, songwritting skill, the emotion, the drama the passion the FORCE that is needed to keep someone riveted to a show. I was too young when he died but i watched old shows.

  40. My husband is stealing this story.

  41. sd auntie6:54 PM

    +100009 except the Eagles and Ramones. Insert Doors.

  42. Marianne11:18 PM

    I'm a day late and a dollar short but Led Zeppelin, for me no if ands or buts.

  43. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley2:27 AM

    I wish i could remember who I stole it from to begin with. But I had a pitcher of vodka martinis and a Twix bar for breakfast, and right now I'm walking through downtown Atlanta with my left shoe on my right foot.

  44. AprilInParis9:42 AM

    Depeche Mode

  45. Bondie6:59 PM

    Beatles, Eagles & Aerosmith
