Thursday, August 10, 2017

Your Turn

How long could you go without your phone or internet?


  1. Survivor3:05 AM


  2. Retirees dont have to stay as connected. I have a girlfriend so I need to be accessable for her. But that iis where I was 20 years ago.

  3. sandybrook3:11 AM

    Months without a phone a few hours without internet, maybe a full day.

  4. It's going to be a week! A full seven days! - coming up pretty soon!

  5. HH3143:34 AM

    less than 24 hours. i experience serious withdrawals without internet

  6. Do Tell4:10 AM

    It would suck, but i've done it before for a couple of weeks. I read books and watched DVDs. And went out and did things. Not a crisis, just a mild annoyance.

    Besides, I was 30 when the internet started to become mainstream and probably 36 when i got my first cell phone. It wouldn't be unprecedented to go without them.

  7. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:15 AM

    I am hooked to news, therefore I dislike being without internet, but when I travel I have not internet except when I get wifi, therefore I only use it at breakfast and when I am back at the hotel about midnight if I have not found some broad to bang.

    I can be almost forever without a phone, I turn it off when I go back home after work, and many weekends and holidays.

  8. AndrewBW5:37 AM

    I don't have a smartphone so that's not a problem for me. A couple of years ago I went on a camping vacation and we had no computer or nothing. It was great! But after about 10 days I really wanted to get back online.

  9. Renshaw6:40 AM

    Too many variations here. Is it a technical issue or a self imposed challenge. If self imposed challenge, 24 hours tops. If technical, after 24 hours I'm heading to Panera or Starbucks to get my fix in more ways than one. Phones (lan and smartphone) 24 hours.

  10. News junkie, so it is hard to disconnect. I like reading a lot of different papers online for a more in depth look at the news. I could live without the phone. I hate them. I prefer to write letters to communicate. Yes, I have turned into my grandmother.

  11. Simply Nana7:07 AM

    Hold on, let me check my phone about that...?

  12. just sayin\'7:13 AM

    long enough to go to the store (poor reception) or mow the lawn. otherwise i'm online.

  13. Brooklyn Girl8:18 AM

    For a long time on either phone, Internet, tv, movies. I don't do social media either. I'm a hermit at heart.

  14. not to brag, but...2:41 PM

    about 20 minutes. no. make that 15...or 10.

  15. My phone I could probably go without for a few weeks, but internet,... I'd really want it back after about 4 days, absolute tops.

  16. Scandi Sanskrit2:22 PM

    Seriously, Enty? This is how I get my work assignments. I work from home nowadays because I'm chronically ill anyways.

    I literally got my first job (at a good human rights organisation) on seedy Craigslist, FFS! Because nobody in the real world would give me a chance. Nobody doing hiring the old skool way would even look at me.

    I can't imagine living pre-internet. WTF would I do for a living in the '80s?!

  17. I can go without phone contact for days. I work 12 hour shifts and sometimes the phone rings continuously so it is no sacrifice to do without on off days.

    The internet is much harder to give up. However if I am visiting a beautiful place like a national park it is worth it.
