Thursday, August 03, 2017

Mr. X Blind Item #2

Apparently there is more than one in the closet NFL QB. One could argue that the younger of them has really put a big foot out of the closet with his recent actions.


  1. sandybrook4:49 AM

    We already know Russell Wilson and Aaron Rodgers are gay Mr. X, that's 2 already.

  2. sandybrook4:50 AM

    But this is CDaN where everybody is in the closet.

  3. MontanaMarriott4:52 AM

    This Cam Newton thing where he posted lyrics from 4:44?

  4. Lurky McLurkster5:02 AM

    Meh. I think you are right but regardless of what the author was writing about in the poem, it can still be interpreted other ways.

  5. Barbara RiceHand5:12 AM

    Big foot makes me believe one of the guys in the jack links jerky commercials..

  6. casting girl5:26 AM


  7. He's not a QB

  8. ThisNThat5:51 AM

    Cam Newton is the Panthers QB

  9. The Cowboy6:03 AM

    I recently heard something about Dak Prescott

  10. texasrose6:38 AM

    That would explain how he dresses:)

  11. mkemg9:59 AM

    yea, he has good taste.

  12. lol, see, comments like this say waaaay more about the poster than anything else.

    you think you live in a world where this is some exaggeration? Like, UGH ENTY THINKS EVEEEERYONE IS GAY, SO STUPID. Well...and if it's all true? Do you really think you live in this world where everybody is out, that not THAT MANY people are hiding their orientation, and that it totally has no personal, financial consequence (or..your life could be taken)? Where you can be killed for being out? Where you lose your whole career overnight? Where people who liked you find out you are gay and abandon you?

    What a cute bubble you live in, where the world is rosy and everybody is out and there is zero consequence. let me guess - you're straight? or, a self-hating gay?

    There ARE TONS of closeted people...and they often have to deal with people like you, who think it's just absurd that this many *clutch pearls* people would be closeted. get offline, grandma.

  13. “Living in the shadow
    Can you imagine what kind of life it is to live?
    In the shadows people see you as happy and free
    Because that’s what you want them to see
    Living two lives, happy, but not free
    You live in the shadows for fear of someone hurting your family or the person you love
    The world is changing and they say it’s time to be free
    But you live with the fear of just being me
    Living in the shadow feels like the safe place to be
    No harm for them, no harm for me
    But life is short, and it’s time to be free
    Love who you love, because life isn’t guaranteed.”

  14. the poem is inspired by jayz mom's gloria, who was a closeted lesbian all her life.

  15. sandybrook10:39 AM

    Get fu¢ked you jackass. And don't EVER call me grandma you stupid bitch.

  16. Renshaw10:39 AM

    This rumor about Cam is old. Never liked him as a QB, gay or straight.

  17. For someone who says he'd never out someone, enty sure likes to out someone.
    I find it hard to believe that 90% of celebrities are in the closet.

  18. Yeah you, biatch.12:19 PM

    Um wow, you're pretty much a dumbass. Anyone who posts more than a sentence or two here has too much time and craziness in their head.

  19. sd auntie1:49 PM

    I dont think Russell is. Aaron is....and what a loss for the ladies.

  20. sd auntie1:53 PM

    Sorry your friends and family are not supportive. That must be truly devastating.
