Friday, August 04, 2017

Four For Friday - Traditional

#1 - She might be pregnant, she might not be pregnant. One thing is certain though. The "girlfriend" of this foreign born A+ list athlete is sleeping with one of the same men as the A+ lister.

#2 - This out of work B+ list actress/writer is hanging out not doing much. Recently she went off on a rant on a company. It turns out, the company looked at security camera footage which covers an immense number of angles. Although, they company couldn't be sure the incident didn't take place, they were sure the actress was not where she said she was located. Not anywhere near it.

#3 - Makes sense that this racist homophobic YouTube star is joining with the foreign born racist rapist YouTube star.

#4 - I love the lies this back in the day A- list singer has been telling this week about his sex worker confrontation. He knew exactly what he was getting into so to speak because the one named always broke rapper has been bragging about the sex worker for a year.


  1. Tricia133:30 AM

    1)Christiano Rinaldo

  2. Tricia133:30 AM

    2)Lena Dunham

  3. sandybrook3:31 AM

    1-Ronaldos beard
    2-Lena Dunham
    3-Pewdeepie and some other nobody

  4. Tricia133:33 AM


  5. Tricia133:35 AM

    Says singer than says rapper...?

  6. TellMeLies3:51 AM

    I HATE that entitled brat so goddamn much!!!

  7. JustsomeguywithTeeff3:57 AM

    1.Cristiano Ronaldo/ Georgina Rodriguez
    2.Lena Dunham
    3. PewDiePie/ Jack Johnson
    4. Bobby Valentino / Tyga

  8. JustsomeguywithTeeff3:58 AM

    *Jack Jones

  9. Tricia134:10 AM

    Lena has fallen from glory for sure

  10. Salaam4:18 AM

    Don't you have to have glory before you can fall from it?

  11. Kmt93114:20 AM

    #4 Bobby V and His trans sex worker

  12. AMartel4:40 AM

    To the extent she ever had any "glory" it was entirely manufactured hype. Now she only reason she gets attention is by virtue signalling from a first- class safe zone, whining while guzzling whine. She's an attention-sucking black hole of faux.

  13. zerooptions5:54 AM

    2. Lying Lena Dunham!
    I figured she'd make up something to stay "relevant".
    I use the term "relevant" sarcastically and very very loosely.

  14. seabee6:20 AM

    Yes, when a fat, ugly girl is so comfortable in her skin that she films herself eating cake naked on the toilet for HBO, the bullshit media declares her the most profound philosopher of her generation.

  15. Ontoward6:22 AM

    What event is it that she ranted about the company and thar they have video from multi angles? Din't like her, so may have missed the news on this,mbut now I'm curious...

  16. Well, you've gotta admit...that is quite something.

  17. makeittrain8:25 AM

    #2 definitely lena dunham and the 'transphobic conversation' she overheard airline employees having. I wish they would call her out publicly. she lied about her dog & had the gall to say the shelter got it wrong (LOL oh lena)

  18. makeittrain8:25 AM

    lol was gonna say. 'jack johnson, the chill surfer hippie dude???' haha

  19. makeittrain8:26 AM

    homophobic = closeted & on the DL. tons of them out there. they LOVE transsexuals. dick & boobs together make them comfort themselves and say, hey, im straight right?

    no sweetie, you are just another closeted bigot.

  20. shakey8:29 AM

    The Love Boat singer???

  21. Ontoward9:05 AM

    Oh, found it - her saying she overhead a bigote conversation between 2 American Airlines staff at an airport.

  22. Maybe I'm too tired, but I can't process these

  23. Cristiano just come out already. Nobody cares and your bearding game is weaker that Bradley and Swift.

  24. The first one is obviously Ronaldo and yes he is gay very obvious. Even in Spain soccer fans call him a gay slur when he plays. The media in Europe know too. A French journalist over a year ago said that he flew to Morocco to see Badr Hari several times a week. I think Badr Hari is in jail in the Netherlands because he beat up some security guard. But the media know, the public knows, but I guess Ronaldo will not come out because of sponsors. I am guessing Ronaldo team is cognizant people are suspicious. After all, why would a straight guy hire a surrogate to have his kids? So, Ronaldo and his team cooked up this story. Not sure why Enty is reporting about this guy. He needs to focus on that NFL gay football players now there is a news story or blind item.

  25. Is Jack Johnson white? He looks like he is mixed race. I thought he was hispanic when I saw his videos.

  26. Hot Cola2:30 PM

    1.# HaHaHa, its hilarious!

  27. Random1012:35 PM

    DM posted pictures of her on a yacht with Ronaldo and she looked pregnant so how can Enty speculate that she may not be pregnant??

  28. Hot Cola2:36 PM

    The fact is A Lot of people are uncomfortable around Transgenders /Transgender Talk. Not saying its okay just that it shakes something at people at thier core.
    ( I for the record, say they should be able to pee where they feel comfortable).

  29. Hot Cola2:37 PM

    I Couldnt agree more.

  30. Hot Cola2:39 PM

    Who the F*uck eats cake on Thier Toilet? Its sick!

  31. zerooptions10:07 PM

    I'll never eat cake again...

  32. She lied! She was in terminal 4 on delta and AA is in terminal 8

  33. Maxine Waters Wig11:04 AM

    I knew Lena made that $hit up. She is as thirsty as they come. Move over Chrissy Teigan.

  34. Bubbles12:39 PM

    This so sounds like Bobby V but my one question is, when the hell was he A-?
