Four For Friday - Money Money Money
Back in the day, I think people forget that this now deceased permanent A+ lister was thisclose to not being married. Things would have turned out much differently if he had followed through with that divorce. Things would have turned out much differently in this modern version too which also involved an A lister. Already separated, divorce was imminent. Divorce would mean a couple of things. A loss of status which the subject of our blind held dearly. She loves to name drop. Loves it. She loves to pretend she moved in the circles prior to meeting her husband but she didn't. The other thing she would miss would be money. Sure, she would get some child support and a lump sum payment but there would be no more after that. She would have to fend for herself. So, she did what she could. She started triggering the A lister so he would not only start using again but brought a person into his life who would really facilitate the drugs. She thought that drugs would make him more reliant on her as it had in the past. Not this time though. He showed no signs of reconciliation. So, she moved to plan B which involved bullying him. How so? She told him if she was going down then he was going down and that she would go Gone Girl on him and not only spill secrets about him but also make up damaging ones that would see his career go down in flames. She kept pushing and pushing and when she knew he was close to breaking, pushed him over the edge to secure her own fame and fortune.