Friday, August 25, 2017

Four For Friday - Jerk

Same guy for all.  Foreign bon A+ list director.

#1 - Once showed his wife at the time a video of himself being orally serviced by another woman. He started telling his wife how much better the other woman was until his wife walked out.

#2 - Took time off from his honeymoon to one of his wives to have sex with the actress he later cast into her big break. She has A list name recognition despite being a horrible actress.

#3 - Cast an entire movie based on whether the actresses auditioning would show him their breasts during the audition and the probability they would have sex with him during filming.

#4 - Cast a woman for a role and when she showed up to shoot the first day called her a "fat f**k" because she had gained a couple of pounds. For the entire shoot that is how he addressed her.


  1. Tricia133:12 AM

    Paul Verhoevan?

  2. sandybrook3:12 AM

    James Cameron

  3. Tricia133:14 AM

    Yep and #2 is Megan Fox

  4. James Cameron
    1-Linda Hamilton and ?
    2-Jessica Alba
    4-Kate Winslet :(

  5. sandybrook3:18 AM

    4--Kate Winslet for the actress?

  6. […] Same guy for all.  Foreign bon A+ list director. #1 – Once showed his wife at the time a video of himself being orally serviced by another woman. He started telling his wife how much better the other woman was until his wife walked out. #2 – Took time off from his honeymoon to one of his wives to have sex with the actress he later cast into her big break. She has A list name recognition despite being a horrible actress. #3 – Cast an entire movie based on whether the actresses auditioning would show him their breasts during the audition and the probability they would have sex with him during filming. #4 – Cast a woman for a role and when she showed up to shoot the first day called her a “fat f**k” because she had gained a couple of pounds. For the entire shoot that is how he addressed her. The post Four For Friday – Jerk appeared first on CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS. Source: Four For Friday – Jerk […]

  7. Do Tell3:20 AM

    James Cameron.

    Who can forget his douchetastic Oscar acceptance speech when he asked the audience for a few seconds of silence for the Titantic victims, then proclaimed, "Let's party!"

  8. Tricia133:21 AM

    Most likely Winslet...
    The film in 3) is Avatar.... (with the painted on costumes)

  9. sandybrook3:22 AM

    I was thinking it was during Titanic, but almost 100% that it's her.

  10. Eyesawthesign3:24 AM

    James Cameron and #2 is Jessica Alba.

  11. Guesser3:24 AM

    Number 4is the giveaway, I believe I heard this before. Cameron.

  12. Tricia133:26 AM

    What a doucher he always heard it but damn.
    Hey James if you reading-I hate your movies -especially Titanic ?Kate was the best part dude...

  13. Eyesawthesign3:27 AM

    And #4 is of course Kate Winslet

  14. LiveYourLife3:27 AM

    Megan Fox's big break was 'Transformers,' and the director for that was Michael Bay. Jessica Alba does make more sense (her big break was Dark Angel series).

  15. Memeemeee3:30 AM

    Cameron used to call Kate "Kate Weighs-A-Lot" during Titanic. So yeah, this is him & he's a horrible human being.

  16. longtimereader3:30 AM

    Wow. Is it outing 'feminist' male directors as douchebags week?

  17. Random1013:35 AM

    He has no movie with Megan Fox. No2 is probably Alba. Michael Bay is the one who is obsessed with Fox. All creeps..... each and every one of them.

  18. Patreeki3:39 AM

    I did have a good chuckle at the frothing-at-the-mouth Twitter feminists this morning who were all claiming this was an example of 'mansplaining'....because apparently the director/producer of two of the most successful films of all time has no place holding an opinion on a movie..

  19. OG JustReading3:40 AM

    Tbf most feminists are hate-filled weirdos these days.

  20. LiveYourLife3:42 AM

    That was all CGI. They wore motion capture suits, not body paint.

  21. Guesser3:43 AM

    Yes, Dark Angel was hyped big time,and Jessica was very young and unknown,vetting a lead in a big budget show.

  22. LiveYourLife3:43 AM

    I think this might be it, too. With the 'Rose getting naked for Jack' painting scene, he may have tried to get a number of actresses to go topless for him, even though he had no intention of casting them as Rose.

  23. What an ass

  24. Morninglorri5:08 AM

    Suzy Amis is the other woman

  25. I think #1 was also a Blind Gossip item. The actress was Kate Winslet and he also showed the video to her husband at the time, Sam Mendes. He divorced Kate shortly after. Asshole.

  26. .Hot Cola7:19 AM

    Sounds like Mel Gibson only he had one wife.

  27. FrenchToast7:43 AM

    I feel so bad for Jessica Alba if she slept with James Cameron. He is so gross. He had one good movie in Titanic and that was it. Totally overrated at this point.

  28. HH3147:53 AM

    Umm I do not particularly like the man, but he directed the Titanic, Terminator, Alien and Avatar movies, all of which are wildly successful. He is hardly over-rated

  29. Sweaty9:27 AM

    Uh, yes.

  30. Shawski10:02 AM

    This has to be Cameron. And the Divine Kate Winslett has more class and talent in her baby fingernail than he does. No doubt - he IS talented in his field. But what goes around, in time, comes around. We will wait and enjoy.

  31. What a bizarre comment. Quit being an asshole, FFS.

  32. Phyllis Whitweed12:05 PM

    He's got FOUR smurf movies planned. Let's just not.

  33. sd auntie3:16 PM


  34. Bobston6:22 PM

    Well said!

  35. Bobston6:24 PM

    I'd say that most anti-feminists are hate-filled weirdos.

  36. Mowbray9:39 PM

    I prefer to chuckle whenever a jerk mansplains what feminism is. And by the way, no onr asked his stupid opinion.
