Thursday, August 31, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 23, 2017

This foreign born still one hit wonder is having to downsize into a living space one quarter the size of her old home. Plus, it is only a rental rather than owning. She just can’t get anyone to get her a job that pays and she feels like there is no point in performing shows because the money she earns just goes straight to people she owes money to.

Iggy Azalea


  1. sandybrook2:51 AM

    Nobody is going to offer to pay this bitch if they know she doesn't want to play.

  2. Whywhywhy???10:14 AM

    I love how this chick feels she shouldn't pay the people she owes. Maybe she should be uh, yachting...

  3. Do Tell10:49 AM

    "Why should I bother earning money to pay my debts?" Yeah, ok, asshole.

  4. Maybe instead of a butt implant and massive full body plastic surgery , she could've invested or saved her money? Nah...... butt implants are more important.

  5. Kimberley7:11 AM

    I don't think anyone would pay her for yachting.
