Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 7, 2017

Another solo vacation for this former A list singer in a group who was probably a flash in the pan A-/B+ list solo singer and now just floats in the wind.At this point she should just hold up a sign that says she does not want to be married. Just please put all of us out of our misery.



  1. What happened to this marriage? I've read about what a kind, generous person josh is and he appears to be a food father. Is he a cheater and that is why fergie has checked out? Or is she just a mess? Kids incorporated!

  2. sandybrook2:33 AM

    Forget about putting all of us out of misery IDGAF about her. Let Josh out of his misery and let him find a real wife and woman who isn't a drug addict.

  3. omaxem2:53 AM

    I don't think anyone cares about her.

    Agreed about her husband + she has a kid and this behaviour can't be good for him either.

  4. ThisNThat2:58 AM

    Josh is a nice person. But he allegedly cheats too. And if she says never around and doing drugs I kind of understand why. So get a divorce already. She's never with her kid!!

  5. Brooklyn Girl3:00 AM

    Agree completely. Josh could do a lot better for itself and his son. She's a skank.

  6. Brooklyn Girl3:01 AM

    Himself. Not itself. Stupid auto correct.

  7. HH3144:51 AM

    If she doesn't want Josh I'll take him

  8. SarcasticBimbo5:00 AM


  9. Guesser9:03 AM

    I think the line is going to be really long,plus he comes with a cute kid!

  10. Chunks4:36 PM

    Listen, I don't know much or care about Ferg or Josh, but I don't like how we attack mothers who take vacations.

    Josh can file for divorce. If he's happy with the sitch, for whatever reason (maybe her cosmetic line generates buttloads of $$, idk), then ok.

    For those who want him, according to some readers, he cheats, so go ahead and take him. I mean you actually can have him bc apparently Ferg don't care.

    I really don't see a problem here.

  11. Chunk4:50 PM

    If this is Josh's side piece sending these "tips" in, girl, he doesn't seem to want to leave her. Go focus on someone else.

  12. dsiana2:46 AM

    She doesn't want to be married and for sure does not want to be a mother. POS

  13. She looks like Helen Mirren's older junky sister. That husband of hers could do so much better.
