Sunday, August 13, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Mr. X

August 4, 2017

This very rich celebrity was fairly unknown until he died in a very spectacular fashion. Now he will always be remembered. Back in the day though, every celebrity knew him because he provided the best coke and partied harder than anyone around. This permanent A list singer/celebrity offspring of a permanent A+ lister said one time they partied for a weekend straight and he alternated by having sex with her and her boyfriend at the time.

Dodi Fayed/Liza Minelli


  1. FairyDogMother3:08 AM

    When is LiZa's down n dirty memoir going to be published. I think she needs the $$ right now.

  2. it took forever3:16 AM

    I used to idolize diana as a kid growing up but as i got older i began to think she must have had some really low self esteem issues.

  3. Sd auntie3:40 AM

    Yes! Can't wait!

  4. Do Tell4:18 AM

    She seemed to be fairly difficult herself.

  5. Salaam4:38 AM

    Do you think she actually remembers enough for a whole book? Her drug use is so legendary, I have to imagine her brain is toast when it comes to the 70s/80s.

  6. Patrick9:36 PM

    Seriously. She was the worst when it came to hypocrisy about her fame. She wanted attention on her terms. She wanted to take advantage of the fame when it suited her, and to be totally left alone when it suited her. It didn't work that way. I think there were some low level mental issues as well.

  7. longtimereader2:57 AM

    Best enty blind ever was when he revealed she was a yacht girl. She did it for the thrill.

  8. Ha, if Keith Richards can remember enough to "write" a memoir, then Liza can!

  9. GrgryPckry12:53 AM

    How do I find that reveal? Thank you in advance.
