Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 5, 2017

The sister that does not chain smoke or dress in homeless chic and also is still acting has a new boyfriend. Well, a boyfriend that she is milking for PR purposes. The thing is though, the media, even suck up tabloids had a bad experience with her and the foreign born dual threat actor.

Elizabeth Olsen/Tom Hiddleston


  1. Sunspirit1:25 AM

    This reveal should say what the bad experience was

  2. Paige1:28 AM

    How is this a new boyfriend? Didn't they date when they made a movie together?

  3. zerooptions1:44 AM

    She seems to be all over the place for some crappy new movie she's in.

  4. Barbara RiceHand1:47 AM

    Didn't Taylor swift beard for him once? Or was it the other way around,

  5. sandybrook2:30 AM

    Nobody could prove these two ever dated that was the bad experience. The tabloids said they were though. And since he's gay and had the bad experience dealing with TayTayand her b.s. while double bearding, he had nothing to say.

  6. Paige2:46 AM

    Should have said "date"

  7. Mary Kate3:20 AM

    Actually, the movie is supposed to be really good

  8. John Paterson4:04 AM

    Tom Hiddleston is a decent human being who wouldn't mistreat anybody. About the worst that she experienced was that her expectations were unfulfilled, but that would be about it.

  9. Elizabeth Olsen.

  10. Dannette9:15 AM

    It was mutual
