Saturday, August 19, 2017

Blind Item #4

This talk show host is back on the booze in a big way. I'm sure his wife is thrilled.


  1. Meg00m3:07 AM

    Jimmy F. Btw he Wasnt funny on snl weedend update sunmer edition.

  2. Meg00m3:09 AM

    Let me try this again. Jimmy F. BTW he wasn't very funny on SNL Weekend Update: Summer Edition.

  3. sandybrook3:10 AM

    Fallon is really the only one we think is a boozer.

  4. just sayin\'4:45 AM

    fallon struck me as wasted a couple of times this week.

  5. Jimbo6:46 AM

    I didn't know he was ever off booze

  6. fallon has a face of a permanent alcoholic...
    P.S. still is the functional one...
    P.P.S. white wig w/ this face is just: "NO"...

  7. He looked sweaty, and bloated, and his timing was off.

  8. Siliconlifeform2:22 AM

    That explains why his show sucks. I don't even bother watching Fallon anymore.

  9. AprilInParis6:06 AM

    I kinda like his schtick but Jimmy always seemed both dark&disturbed as well as super sorrowful and sad behind the eyes. So much so that it's off-putting to me. Dude just seems profoundly sad. Is he clinically depressed or something? Poor Jimmy ........

  10. Siliconlifeform1:37 AM

    IMO he's in the closet and that's why he drinks. I don't know why the charade, it's not like anyone would care.

  11. Chrissy5:41 AM

    Always feels like someone at NBC told him to tone down the weirdness if he was going to host the Tonight Show. It's crazy because he has always been weird and awkward but he is talented. He seems really lost at the moment. I can honestly see him quitting in the next 2 years to do something else.
