Sunday, August 20, 2017

Blind Item #3

Already one friendship was ruined when this A- list mostly movie actress who ALL of you know accused a friend of sleeping with the husband of the A- lister. She hadn't but he has slept with plenty of other people including at least two people who work for the actress.


  1. Do Tell2:33 AM


  2. just sayin\'2:35 AM

    they seem like such a messy couple!

  3. Tricia132:42 AM

    If it said "then husband " I'd think for sure of Gwyneth/Kate Hudson and Chris Martin... they seem to not hang anymore...
    Otherwise Nicole Kidman maybe

  4. Bummer...3:21 AM

    'Cause when you have a husband who is sleeping around, you need all the good girlfriends you can get!

  5. Bummer...3:23 AM

    And strangely, it's not uncommon for the one being cheated on to accuse the friend (outsider) rather than the partner. Guess it's easier to show your anger where it counts less--although it seems to me that the one who married you has a stronger obligation not to ef you over.

  6. guestpass4:06 AM

    I think this is referring to the Jen Aniston/Chelsea Handler fall-out, so I'll go with them.

  7. ThisNThat4:48 AM

    Yes this was my gut reaction as well.

  8. NoseyNeighbor6:28 AM

    Some women will attack "easier" targets to make themselves feel better instead of confronting their spouse (who they are afraid might actually leave them). The actress may have also been a home wrecker herself.

  9. NoseyNeighbor6:30 AM

    I knew a woman like this. She was financially dependent on her husband so she wouldn't dare confront him.

  10. .Hot Cola7:45 AM

    The minute I read it i was guessing Jen Aniston. Why, I have no idea.

  11. I like the Kate/Gwyneth/Chris Martin guess. The thing is we all know Kate actually did hook up with Chris. Let's
    face it mem don't go to the beach with women they are'nt sleeping with. I saw the pictures! It probably is Justin. His eyebrows creep me out.

  12. Not nice when it is people who are in your inner circle.

  13. BeenHereBefore3:09 PM

    Whooooooo besides fifty cent and that CEO/Owner would sleep with Chelsea Handler???!!!!!

  14. D Brown10:55 PM

    With that many references to 'friends" I can't see anyone other than Jennifer Aniston.

  15. Patrick11:02 PM

    Plenty of straight dudes would sleep with Chelsea. She's reasonably good looking, and she seems to like sex. I'm sure she's slept with people for career advancement, but she seems like an engaged, enthusiastic lover. So, yeah, a great person to have sex with.
    Date? As in, "be in a relationship with" type dating? No.

  16. If not Kate could be Madonna, they were all bff and suddenly not.

  17. I'll give you that she's probably a tiger in the sack - crazy women usually are - but "reasonably good looking"? You must be surrounded by a sea of uggos where you live.
