Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Blind Item #2

This southwest persona who is A list to some but D list to others, especially this week is being investigated for running a pyramid scheme alongside a family member.


  1. Tricia1312:23 AM

    Joel Osteen?

  2. Moonbeamriver12:31 AM

    I thought Houston was more SE? To me, SW implies Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, parts of California and Texas.

  3. Tricia1312:36 AM

    I think of those places as well with SW ...

  4. labdude12:40 AM

    maybe that Maricopa sheriff that just got the Trump pardon?

  5. just sayin\'1:23 AM

    joe arpaio. what a sociopath.

  6. I was hoping to see him in stripes and getting heat exhaustion from being in tent city!

  7. cebii2:04 AM

    texas is pretty big.
    Houston is Southeast - it's a bayou. IH35/IH37 defines east and west, everything south of I-10/I-90 is south, Everything North of HIllsboro is North and the rest is the Hill Country. The climates are different and historically, the cultures were quite different.

  8. sandybrook2:29 AM

    I'm in the SE I think any place west of the Mississippi River can be considered SW, but not necessarily because Mississippi isn't. I've never considered Texas to be anything but SW. I hope this is Joel Osteen and his wife because he's clearly a con artist.

  9. Joel Osteen\'s new BMW2:42 AM

    I used to live in Texas, it's considered south or SW.

  10. Joel Osteen\'s new BMW2:43 AM

    The city is in SE Texas, but the STATE is SW, geez. The blind is referring to a part of the country, not part of Texas.

  11. just sayin\'3:02 AM

    i'm switching my vote to joel osteen. texas would be furious to be called "southeast"!

  12. sandybrook3:09 AM

    It might be Arpaio except he's an 85 year old man so why would he be doing Ponzi schemes? Tele-evangelists have been caught running them numerous times though.

  13. hothotheat3:44 AM

    And his wife who never goes anywhere without her Saturday Night Special and/or armed guards.
    Texan here, Texas is part of the Southwest.

  14. Zophie5:13 AM

    I hope it's Osteen. That smarmy motherfucker needs to spend time in prison.

  15. marissa5:20 AM

    This southwest persona (Joel Osteen, televangelist ) who is A list ( evangelical congregants ) some but D list to others, especially this week ( bc he didnt open his giant church during Harvey flood ) is being investigated for running a pyramid scheme alongside a family member (his wife Victoria? maybe)

  16. Morninglorri6:42 AM

    Sheriff Joe, a judge said "whoa, we're not done yet" to the pardon.

  17. Jesus Juggs5:58 AM

    I'm pretty sure anyplace you can get Good Mexican food is considered the Southwest. So, Texas is the Southwest.
