Thursday, August 10, 2017

Blind Item #2

There is a lot more going on than just filming a holiday commercial in Aspen this week. Stars of the commercial had the opportunity to attend a gathering of 15 men all worth more than $100M. From what I hear, all the stars of the commercial attended.


  1. I wasn't invited!
    Oh, that's right! I'm not a star of a commercial!
    Details, david, details!


  2. Josh Baskin1:27 AM

    Is this a Victoria's Secret commercial filming?

  3. longtimereader2:48 AM

    Become a successful model and hook up with an ugly, middle aged man with money and a small penis. If you get knocked up you are set for life! Otherwise it's yachting time...

  4. Sadie3:13 AM

    ..or get a short-term contract as Leo Di Caprio's girlfriend...

  5. hothotheat4:53 AM

    Getting knoced up doesn't set you for life, just 18 years.

  6. fairy floss4:58 AM

    my guess is this - a holiday commercial or something

  7. texasrose5:10 AM

    Depends on how rich the guy is.

  8. sheepie10:53 AM

    I think Ill get a skill and then a job thanks Yuuuuuukkkkk!!!!!

  9. Dtown309:25 AM

    Victoria's Secret in Aspen. Two of the men who were there are neighbors of mine. This is not something I'm proud to admit, but... yep. Ugh.
