Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Blind Item #1

This former HIlls star who went on to other things before running into a wall of real life yelled at a waiter for two solid minutes an complained to a manager while she was on vacation because the waiter brought her the wrong kind of juice.


  1. Tricia1311:37 PM

    Kristin Cavalieri?

  2. So, she's so entitled that a mistake can't be made in her presence?

  3. just sayin\'1:23 AM

    this kind of irritability is a sign of addiction...could be an eating disorder since she went off about food. that or she's a huge bitch, lol.

  4. I'm assuming "ran into a wall of real life" means did nothing after the show. Kristen is married to an ex quarterback, has pretty successful shoe and jewelry lines, three adorable kids and cook books. I'd guess Lo Bosworth

  5. Audrina Patridge

  6. sandybrook2:42 AM

    Heidi Montag

  7. .robert3:25 AM

    While I don't like the yelling how hard is it to get a single item order correct?

  8. ThisNThat4:04 AM

    Audrina recently in the "news" talking about how she wouldn't be against a Hills reunion now that they're all moms.

  9. Renshaw4:12 AM

    All of them have that nasty to activate on some poor server. I always say if I was a server and one of these idiots went on their do you know who I am abusive rant on me, that would be the day I lose my job. A pitcher of water or salad bowl gets poured anthem, or a pie in the face while a co-worker records it, then put it online and it would go viral. I would get sued for assault and I would counter sue for emotional abuse and intentional distress and panic and suffering, bullying and whatever they are using these days.

  10. How one treats the wait staff or anyone in the service industry is a reflection of their character. Sad to hear how many "celebrities" are true assholes.

  11. Hmm, thats a good way to get the "special sauce" in your order, be nice to your servers!!!

  12. Elissa9:54 AM

    Unless she was alone and only ordered something to drink, it wasn't "a single item". Waiting tables isn't as easy as most people think, and the larger the number of people at the table, the more difficult it is. Also, servers don't always make the beverages themselves.

  13. I was thinking "ran into a wall of real life" was an allusion to Audrina looking like she's run face first into a wall.
