Friday, July 14, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 12, 2017

This permanent A list singer has decided there should be a biopic made of her life. She also thinks she is the only person who can play herself and wants to do so for the past 20 years of her life. She is also planning to drop a bunch of her own money to make it happen,

Mariah Carey


  1. sandybrook3:38 AM

    The past 20 years she spent drinking wine and taking bubble baths and having kiddies, nobody GAF about that.

  2. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob4:58 AM

    A biopic after Carey's life: Nice chick marries an asshole who sees her obvious talent and takes her to stardom, divorces him afterwards. Spends years as a diva. Next years she shags lots of non-lovely guys, drinks like a fish, and has a couple (?) of kids. Eventually her boozing shows publicly in some Christmas concert.

    Nothing worth of a movie, she is not Jim Morrison or Johnny Cash (or a movie worthy female singer, which I cannot remember right now).

  3. just sayin\'5:07 AM


  4. JoeMamma5:07 AM

    Didn't see basically do that with Glitter? Some glossed over version of her life where she attempts to play herself as a teen

  5. Guesser5:20 AM

    If it was truthful, it would be worthy of a movie. But as long as she and Tommy Mottola are alive, it won't be.

  6. Simply Nana5:34 AM

    Isn't she a bit young to be wanting to do her life story?? Why not wait until you qualify for a senior discount at Denny's at least!

  7. Allison6:49 AM

    Nailed it. A fool and her money.... no one cares dear.

  8. Allison6:49 AM

    Tommy isn't an asshole. He's worked in music for decades and never had a bad word said until HER.

  9. donna7:30 AM

    That's not true, Tricia13 guessed it first

  10. So, how do I get some of this money she's going to waste on this project?

  11. oh mimi butterfly, please.

  12. Phyllis Whitweed9:54 AM

    She's so drunk she forgot Glitter. That's Boris Yeltsin level drunk.

  13. zerooptions3:02 PM

    Please Please Please let John Waters direct this bio-pic!!!
    Can somebody get this suggestion to her!

  14. Apricot4:43 AM

    ahaha - Per deadline today

  15. […] Carey believes there should be a biopic made of her life, and Hollywood whispers that “she also thinks she is the only person who can play herself and wants to do so for the […]

  16. who cares7:24 AM

    she is a lazy slug who lays around and the hired help brings her "splashes and shoves her full of food", all day.... she gets carried to the bathroom even....
