Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 7, 2017

This openly gay still A- list singer (because of his past works and name) has been cheating on his significant other with a foreign born gay magician who is also in a relationship.

Barry Manilow


  1. Sexual Chocolate3:15 AM

    do they do the "pull the dick out of my ass" trick?

  2. Guesser3:16 AM

    Yes,even the haters know that

  3. just sayin\'3:31 AM

    derren brown

  4. just sayin\'3:38 AM

    really unnecessary and unpleasant comment.

  5. I would downvote this a million times if I could.

  6. zerooptions3:43 AM

    Wow, looks like his real character is finally being exposed.
    I'd heard he was nice when the cameras were around and then extremely rude when they weren't.

    I can't believe I actually wanted to play the piano like him in junior high, since some of the girls would cry at parties when his songs were played...
    I'm glad I picked up guitar and learned dylan and some led zep stuff!!
    Girls like that more by far!

  7. Perri3:54 AM


  8. david3:54 AM

    He takes dick like a bitch

  9. Do Tell3:59 AM

    What is with you?

  10. Patreeki4:01 AM

    Barry always enjoys it when Derren Brown lays his magicians hat in his lap and Barry dips his hand inside of it to tickle Derren's earless magical rabbit until it vomits all up his arm.

  11. Do Tell4:01 AM

    I saw him in concert once, because my brother knows someone in his stage crew, and I thought it would be a fun show. I was really disappointed, he was so glib and so ya-ta-da-ya-ta-da rote and just performed like he couldn't wait to get off the stage.

  12. texasrose4:52 AM

    What permanent A isn't so (because of past works and name)?????

  13. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:12 AM

    If you call someone a "permanent A bitch", I assume you are not a fan.

    If the sentence had been "The manilow is permanent A, bitch." we can think otherwise.

  14. do you always visualize when u hear about gays..? why..? and why do you put it then in words for us..?

  15. ..i mean dont u have other ways to cope with your phobias..?

  16. omaxem5:35 AM

    Out of YOUR ass? Are you involved in this too?

  17. I write the songs...5:48 AM

    I sang backup for him when I was in high school and he came to town. There were a whole group of us and we wore red shirts. One night we had our families come and when we were on stage, there was thunderous applause and cheering. It was awesome.

    Barry was upset because we received more applause than him that night so he had someone go out and buy black shirts for us so we blended in with the background.

  18. Guesser5:51 AM

    Not the real @David, the regulars are being trolled.

  19. Guesser5:55 AM

    Considering the.comments here,both seem to be true.

  20. Kathy9:58 AM

    kinda dickish. Very exciting for you, tho.

  21. Rachel Maddow12:10 PM

    I didn't know Obama was a magician. I guess you can learn something from this site after all.

  22. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley12:29 PM

    My last year at CNN, I had the embarassment of my life when Don Lemon and I both showed up at the staff Halloween Costume party dressed as Lola from "Copacabana". And Don loooked better than I did.

  23. Scandi Sanskrit12:54 PM

    I still need to know who got shot at the end of that song... 🍹

  24. sd auntie1:45 PM

    Supressed patreeki. Lol

  25. sd auntie1:48 PM

    Regular David has a vegas avatar. Probably Kermie!

  26. Dr Freud5:02 AM

    Repressed gay feelings bubbling to the surface . He deals with them by making anonymous homophobic comments on gossip sites because that is the ultimate in manliness. Then he cries at night rubbing one out while watching his fave gay porn flicks on pornhub.
