Thursday, July 20, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 27, 2017

This A list singer grabbed the hand of this foreign born A list singer right when she saw paps. She LOVES that people think they are dating. Plus, she would love some songs from him.

Katy Perry/Chris Martin


  1. JustReading2:43 AM

    It's kind of insulting that she thinks he's a moron.

  2. sandybrook2:49 AM

    He married GOOP didn't he?

  3. JustReading2:55 AM

    Good point.

  4. Chris martin is known to NOT want to help anyone else.
    Goop and JLaw tried to get him to help their singing careers and word is he consistently refused.
    Well, Goop could sing and JLaw can't.

  5. Martin is a mediocre singer and plagiarist* but based on this seems at least just smart enough to realize he is also useless as a career-launching resource.

    For context, consider the true talent, class and intelligence of Prince. He often wrote music and lyrics anonymously for other artists. If Martin was in any way capable, he would help.

    *Just off the top of my head that Viva La whatever shite from a few years ago was stolen from a proper musician named Joe Satriani. Satriani sued and the case was dismissed after a settlement was reached.

  6. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:06 AM

    That would be a truly annoying couple, even more than her with his communist husband, because in that case, he was not very famous outside the UK (I cannot even remember his name, and he does not deserve a google search).

  7. longtimereader5:24 AM

    He is record as trying to get riri to do one of his execrable songs.

  8. zerooptions6:26 AM

    Good fit, let them devour each other

  9. I love Coldplay

  10. I really can't hate on Chris Martin for whatever. A lot of songs remind me of other songs, everybody plagiarizes everybody. There are only so many ways to put notes together, you know?

  11. ParkerInTheShade1:28 AM

    Where are these photos? Katy Perry tries too hard. She's having a Miley like meltdown only she has more clothes on. I love Coldplay and Chris clearly just has really crappy taste in women.

  12. Marlo6:37 PM

    Coldplay music is for whiny bedwetters. Absolute shite.
