Friday, July 07, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 3, 2017

This A list director does not have any friends who are women of color so it shouldn’t come as a shock that she has no idea how to write for women of color. She has always whitewashed much like another famous family member.

Sofia Coppola


  1. longtimereader2:44 AM

    Trouble is plenty of name directors have the same problem. As someone pointed out years ago, how come woody allen's NYC has no brown people in it?

  2. Clara Bow3:18 AM

    Sophia seems to have a girl crush on ana pale white blonde teen girls.

  3. Dumblesnore3:19 AM

    Way, way overrated as a director. Name hype only.

  4. Allison3:31 AM

    And Spike Lee always portrays Italians as racist Goombas...

  5. Kathy4:07 AM

    Clint Eastwood always gets gruff for his views but he has given plenty of non-white men and women roles in his films. He's also not afraid to make his own character flawed as hell.

  6. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:37 AM

    Today I have watched "Coming to America" (that Eddie Murphy movie about an African prince), and I was amazed that only TWO very minor characters (the two hobos who are about one minute on screen) are not n words. It even has Murphy doing crackerface/kikeface with Saul).
    Had it been the reverse situation, that movie would be considered racist instead of a great movie.
    F word PC shit.

  7. Bibblo8:04 AM

    Pretty sure she wishes she was one.

  8. You really do try too hard.

  9. Anna May8:50 AM

    That's what a girl crush is.

  10. Anna May8:52 AM

    Watch "Trading Places" It's an Eddie Murphy & Dan Ackroyd movie. Those 2 guys are from that movie, it's a nod to that movie.

  11. Jesus, dude. N words? Crackerface? Kikeface? You're not challenging PC shit you're being a challenging piece of shit.

  12. sandybrook9:52 AM

    Kermie I don't think I've seen a -252 here since this was instigated. CONGRATS!

  13. sd auntie11:42 AM

    What a hortible comment. You need to stay out of America and stay in Spain. Good God. Small penis Kermie??

  14. Shalene9:28 PM

    I can understand if you was making a point about spike lee movies. He's extreme and a headache to black actors as well. but coming to America was not racist. And I can't tell if you are using the N word or saying the n word. ??? If you are using the n word...please get help for your anger issues.

  15. capcha12:35 PM

    wow, 295 thumbs down. You really know how to get attention. Idiot.

  16. Diana9:46 AM

    So does this idiot think women of color are another species or something? LOL Yeah, good job stereotyping people - keeps the stupid ones happy.

  17. Fucking depressing how many likes this butthurt comment about poor white people and 'discrimination.' What you call PC shit, others call not being insensitive dicks to minorities when things are already geared against them. By white people.

  18. Kim M NYC4:14 PM

    Lighten up people! Stop getting so offended over EVERYTHING. So much wrong in the world, you should put such passion towards a cause that actually make life better. Life is too short.

    There are ugly words, always have been, always will be, for everyone. They only have power if you give it to them.

  19. Matt Matt5:24 PM

    Coming from a loser that lives for blind gossip Juno... stfu.

  20. Matt Matt5:26 PM

    And god knows you're here daily. Sandy you should get a life with Juno

  21. sandybrook7:09 PM

    Go fuck yourself
