Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #28

March 6, 2017

As far as blinds go, this one is unusual. It’s proof that the most unexpected of people can hook up. Back in the day, this permanent A-list actor-who-does-everything was already reaching superstar status. He had just completed a film which made him an icon and also made the city where it was filmed even more famous than it already was. Our actor, who we’ll call Mr. H, was having a love affair with this particular city at that time, for a lot of reasons. He was never really someone who enjoyed LA or the lifestyle all that much. He enjoyed this city because of it’s laid back attitude and also because people there for the most part respected his privacy.

This was particularly important because Mr. H was not faithful to his wife at that time and wanted to be a free agent without the LA gossip mill repeating things back to her. These were also different times, and it was easier to get outside of LA without the Paps following you around and recording your every move. So anyway, Mr. H decided he liked this city so much that he purchased a condo there. This was in a newly built high rise building that had incredible views of the area’s scenery. The condo was on the edge of the city, so our Actor had the privacy there that he wanted. Mr. H’s wife also knew about the condo, but was told by our actor it was for him to stay in while working, since everyone knew his movie was going to be huge and would bring more and more interest to the area for other projects he wanted to be involved in. Condos were a relatively new thing during this time and this one was all about luxury.

All of Mr. H’s wealthy neighbors knew he was living there but for the most part left him alone. Anyone who encountered him in the neighborhood remembered how nice he was. There were a lot of small businesses near his building and Mr. H befriended a local man who owned one of those businesses. They became good friends and would often have a beer and just hang out.

We’ll call this business owner Mr. B. Mr. B. was a really nice guy who was also friends with this permanent A list public figure. I guess you could call her a celebrity, but maybe an infamous one at that time. Mr. B knew this young woman quite well, who we will call Ms. P. Ms. P is one of the most interesting people of the 20th century and for her own reasons, is also an icon. She came from a background of great adversity, but was recognized for her genius level abilities at a young age. By the time she found herself in the sphere of Mr B. (and our actor) she had traveled the world and was already a very famous (or, again, infamous) public figure in her own right. At some point in time, Mr B. introduced Ms. P to our actor.

Our actor became infatuated with her almost immediately. He was older than Ms. P, and their backgrounds could not have been more different. In spite of that, they really hit it off and became close very quickly. It wasn’t long before Ms. P was seen leaving the condo at all hours. There were more than a few raised eyebrows from the neighbors. A few months after becoming involved with Mr. H, Ms. P found herself in a very, very serious situation. She had become involved with a scenario with would permanently alter her life and have serious ramifications going forward. She was in real trouble. Mr H was alerted to this trouble by Mr. B and stepped in to help Ms. H financially and in other ways.

Mr. H used Mr. B as an intermediary so that no one would be able to trace the financial and other help back to him. If the public had found out about Mr. H’s involvement with Ms. P at that time, his career and marriage would have been over. Mr. H spent a lot of money and without his help, Ms. P’s life would have been destroyed. Mr. H also used his connections to secure a career path for Ms. P that she has parlayed into good things to this day. Mr. H has also quietly supported Ms. P’s other endeavors over the years which is ironic considering the way he likes to be portrayed.

Clint Eastwood/Angela Davis



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