Monday, July 31, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 24, 2017

This three named actress who starred in an iconic show in an iconic role was offered a part as a grandmother. She agreed only if there were no actual grandchildren as characters and then wanted all references or implied dialogue that she was a grandmother removed from the script.

Sarah Jessica Parker


  1. Shorny1:25 AM

    Understandable. Playing a grandmother could negatively impact her ability to get roles.

  2. I understand her situation -- even though she's 52.
    I'm 61 and I still don't want to be a grandfather.

  3. shaddup mimsey1:58 AM

    It sucks getting old...

  4. longtimereader2:04 AM

    Meanwhile, marisa tomei has a whole new career.

  5. Simply Nana3:19 AM

    One easy-peasey solution...don't take any parts as grandmothers

  6. Maisy Daisy3:37 AM

    She's in her 50's, she is the age of my grandparents.

  7. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob4:56 AM

    Let us imagine you are 20, and your parents had you at 19 (being illegal having sex before 18). 20+19=39; 50-39=11. Your grandparents had your parent(s) at a maximum age of 21. Are you in a Roma or muslim family?

  8. Patreeki5:28 AM

    It's a role she could have played 20 years ago.

  9. hakunafrittata5:30 AM

    The new Spiderman seriously needed more Tomei.

  10. Does she have any other options?

  11. Those are probably the only roles being offered. She can't be in high demand.

  12. melissa6:02 AM

    Idk honestly she does come across as a bit too young to play a grandma unless she was a teenage mother.
    Honestly most of the time Hollywood casting is very unbelievable as in very far off base from reality. It messes up movies sometimes too imo, I just cant believe the 'couplings' or 'ages' of many movie characters.

  13. Fairylights7:07 AM

    This is actually not that unusual in the school district I work in. We see plenty of 50ish year old grandparents who are raising their grandkids because the parents are not fit parents.

  14. SkittleKitty7:18 AM

    When I attended my 25-year high school reunion (i.e., I was 43), there were grandparents amongst my classmates(!). [I was not among them, seeing as I doh't have kids.]
    SJP is 52, well into the age where she could play a (young-ish) grandparent. They don't all have gray hair.

  15. I worked with a woman who was a grandmother at 32. She had her first kid early and they repeated the trend.

  16. Brian8:13 AM

    My ex's sister was the same, she was a grandmother at 33. They had 5 generations of women alive at the same time.

  17. Brian8:14 AM

    In what universe does SJP come across younger than 40?

  18. Brian8:19 AM

    IMDB shows 2 movie roles plus one animated voiceover in the past 5 years. I think time has negatively impacted her ability to get roles more than playing any one role has. There's still plenty of variety in roles for a woman her age in TV, that's definitely the lane she needs to stay in.

  19. Jesus. I'm 50 and my oldest is 16. I mean, I *could* be a grandma, but realistically it's still not gonna happen for at least a decade.

  20. July August9:32 AM

    If her parents had her in their 20's and their parents had them in their 20's.

    Grandparents could be in their 40's.

    So the math works.

    Move on troll.

  21. ? I've known several women who were grandmas in their 40s.

  22. No -- your first math is what's correct, the grandparent would be 39, the daughter 20, and she would have a newborn. In fact this is not that unusual.

  23. Moshpitabread10:29 AM

    LOLOL wow talk about in denial about aging

  24. Her HBO show Divorce is coming back for season 2. She plays a mother to elementary & middle school age kids.

  25. JustReading1:41 PM

    Grand parenting is fun.

  26. Do Tell1:52 PM

    Yes. She has an HBO series heading into season 2. She doesn't play a grandmother or a senior citizen on it.

  27. Do Tell1:54 PM

    Maybe, maybe not. Her girls are also still in elementary school. She could be making a conscious choice to stay with a series so she has a regular schedule with them.

  28. No Name9:25 PM

    And if they're lucky, they wind up on "Teen Moms" and out of the trailer park

  29. Be careful what you wish for. My Mum always said that and now she's 68 without a grandchild in sight, has arthritic ankles that makes play time difficult, but dotes on her 2 / 3 yr old god-daughter.

    It's clear she regrets it now, as she has given up on me, but wants my brother to get his girlfriend preggo, despite their obvious issues and complete unpreparedness. Mum is convinced all the issues will magically disappear if SIL gets pregnant.
