Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 20, 2017

This celebrity offspring of a permanent A+++ lister does not know moderation. She kept popping mushrooms for hours straight to get a stringer high. The problem is she ends up being out of it for a day or two but still feels she can Tweet and do other things which end up making her look bad. None of the people she trips with will say anything because they like her money.

Paris Jackson


  1. Sunspirit1:21 AM

    Her whole situation is just sad. Where the fuck are her so called family or guardians? I feel sorry for her.

  2. Barbara RiceHand2:01 AM

    Omg I did mushrooms once. It lasted so long and the one thing I really remember about it was that it intensified seeing dust under the tv stand and other shelves. All I could think was, omg look at that. But I never could get up to clean it.. lol. I couldn't enjoy myself bc of things like that. Also our cat came in with a baby snake, like so tiny and it was dead. It looked so scary that me and my husband called his dad to come get

  3. Latoya\'s missing headband2:33 AM

    Her family guardians are the Jacksons...nuff said.

  4. Sunspirit2:38 AM

    I know but I thought the guys who where in 3T, I think 1 is Michaels kids guardian, where different from the rest of the Jacksons... apparently not...

  5. longtimereader2:42 AM

    Once did a whole bag on a trip to Amsterdam, not a good idea. Nearly fell into the canals!

  6. hothotheat3:11 AM

    The apple doesn't fall far from the tree - even if they aren't blood related. She, like Michael, exist among some really f@cked up people.

  7. TellMeLies3:55 AM

    YEARRRRRS ago someone gave me a free bag of a LOT of mushrooms. I would eat those things like CANDY almost every day, and my roommate had to hide them from me and only dole them out every so often!
    The irony is that I can't even take single hit of weed now because I flip the F out!

  8. Mop top6:32 AM

    Well, but also isn't she of legal age now? There might not be much they can do, PLUS she's got the money. They want to keep her happy.

  9. melissa8:02 AM

    I never feel pity for these rich kids who can do whatever they want but choose to be junkies.
    And no I am not saying mushrooms make you a junkie but we all know that is not the only drug she is taking and from the point of view of a 37 year old woman whos parents still do shrooms, you all look and act really stupid on them and if you saw yourself you would be embarrassed.
    I have done all drugs so not judging, simply stating,

  10. Aw, I used to love 'shrooming. Haven't done that in at least 15 years now. Pretty sure I never got a stringer high, though...

  11. Haha, it's that stuff that got things banned to only truffles. i almost backed in front of a tram. WHY STREET LEVEL. Foolish.

  12. Hot Cola10:53 AM

    Text book privileged kid with zero stabilizing influence in her life.

  13. sheepie6:43 PM

    I wish someone would encourage her to go to college a la Brooke Shields. In the long term, much more satisfying for her mentally

  14. Last time I shroomed was nearly 20 years ago.
    I took a painting class at uni, and that day we got to freestyle for 3 hours. One guy brought in a bag and we all took 1 or 2, and stayed over 4 hours. I think our teacher suspected something, but nobody confessed.
    He was an old hippie.
    I still have the painting I made, even though I never finished it. It's kinda good.
