Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 6, 2017

This no name foreign born actor refused to take part in a photo op so this A+ list singer skipped her own party.

Joe Alwyn/Taylor Swift


  1. Random1011:22 AM

    I find this one hard to believe. First of all TayTay is too controlling to choose a guy she cannot convince to do stuff like this. Secondly this guy is a nobody. He can do with some publicity. (i am sure they are not going do a repeat of that hideous I <3 T T-shirt with TS "tatoo" that Tom HIddleston was foolish enough to do.

  2. I don't know if Swift is closested - Entern sure seems to think so, but then he/she/they thinks everyone in show biz is closeted. What I do know from observing her behavior and speech is that the woman - although I'm sure she thinks of herself as a "girl" - suffers from a terrible case of arrested development. She constantly refers to the guys she dates - or 'dates" - as "boys". Even her photo ops look llike something out of "Beach Blanket Bingo." Her songs are persistently, and irritatingly, pubescent. I realize some of this may simply be marketing, as her fan base consists of 11 to 14 year old girls, but you would think if it's all just a contrivance, we would see her slip once and a while, and act and speak like an almost 30 year old adult. Never happens, at least that I've seen.

  3. anndie2:06 AM

    A lot of her friends were working in Paris for pfw, which is not something arranged at the last minute, so this was not a last minute cancellation. She respected CH's desire to be more private but threw caution to the wind with TH. And it blew up in her face so it's understandable to me she went with more private. I just don't understand this damned if she does and damned if she doesn't.

  4. anndie2:10 AM

    Her last album was three years ago and she hasn't even started promo for her next one. So how can you judge her as an almost 30 yo when she has barely appeared since she turned 27?

  5. Melody2:20 AM

    It will be great fun to see her losing her control over her boy toys and squad. She will end up forever alone, grey gardens and lots of cats.

  6. Fairmont19552:31 AM

    27 is not remotely pre pubescent, either.

  7. longtimereader2:52 AM

    Erm, this no mark english actor desperate for fame signed a contract with swift, she owns his balls as calvin or tom would angrily recognise. Her parents had a bunch of group of major industry types over for deals for yet more $$$'s. They are playing the 'keep the relationship quiet' p.r. game this time since the new album will be about a 'secret lover'. Smart move.

  8. longtimereader2:55 AM

    Respected calvin!?! the guy was used and humiliated for over a year. Tom has the 'i love t.s' t shirt debacle to deal with as well. Both hate her guts.

  9. Whodunnit1013:20 AM

    She gay.

  10. Robert Wagner3:40 AM

    Those pics of her & Karlie making out. Karlie was also living with her & using her credit cards.

  11. Robert Wagner3:41 AM

    Her last 4th of July party became an internet joke.

  12. Guesser3:55 AM

    Calvin and Taylor used each other.She got a straight guy to beard,he became a name and a face.I know he was a successful producer and musician, but he wanted mainstream fame, and got it. His part of the deal was to keep the other women discreet,and she got back at him when they were made public.Hiddles tried to butch himself up, but ended up making himself look like a flaming queen. No name actor is probably trying for the secret lover routine, unlike Hiddles, he has nothing to lose. .

  13. cebii4:29 AM

    calvin got everything he wanted - lots of money, lots of gigs and a huge American mainstream pop hit. He couldn't really expect that for free. Of course, she wanted something in return. Even though he did a decidedly miserable job of acting like her boyfriend, she still held up her end of the deal.

  14. Aw that's sad

  15. Essca4:58 AM

    She turns 28 in january. This woman is close to 30

  16. StarJones7:27 AM

    so his days are numbered?

  17. Dannette9:11 AM

    But with lots of cool clothes for the cats.

  18. Dannette9:12 AM

    Thank you lying Taylor Swift publicist.

  19. Dannette9:15 AM

    Now that doesn't make any sense at all.

  20. Chandelierxo9:20 AM

    Taylor, we know that's you!!

  21. jonnie lowbrow10:17 AM

    poor Joe better watch out, hes going to get a burn song written about him on Swifts next album flop

  22. Welllll I agree with everything except the thing about this guy needing Taylor-related publicity. No guy ever comes out of one of these "relationships" with his balls intact and more respect.

  23. Mary Rose Stonehouse1:25 PM

    Your post is the best!

  24. Guesser1:39 PM


  25. suspect8:12 PM

    Calvin rebelled during his bearding also - why do you think he got himself deliberately papped outside a brothel?

    She should just come out already. No one believes any of this.

  26. Why is she so desperate?! I mean no one cares who she is dating or not. She's already super rich and famous. I don't get it.

  27. He albums are never flops.

  28. Stop being racist because it's owned by Thais. That wasn't a brothel. Educate yourself. It was sports massage therapy and yoga business. A lot of college and professional athletes use it.

  29. Digusted3:49 PM

    It was a family 4th of July party. Taylor and Joe were never going to show themselves. This blind item proves stuff is made up on this site.

  30. Digusted3:51 PM

    Haha. Those were neighbors in RI, not industry executives.
