Sunday, July 23, 2017

Blind Item #4

This west coast Housewife who has been in and out of the show is putting up a front with her husband. Their already smallish fortune has been decimated by bad business decisions. They are living off credit cards right now and the proceeds from the sale of all their assets.


  1. texasrose2:54 AM

    There was a reason she came back. A one off magazine business isn't a money maker. Looks like something happened with the last one and they're trying to start another. Probably like a lot of them living way above their means for a while and trying to keep image.

  2. donna2:59 AM

    Not sure why they wanted her back. She is boring with her annoying mom and Bible-Study. And not very pleasant to look-at.

  3. texasrose3:09 AM

    annoying works on housewives shows. She immediately started stirring the pot on first show back and I'm not buying the 'I didn't watch the show last season' bs to explain her actions. She needs to paycheck so wants to stay in the mix.

  4. I totally agree. She was acting like such a bitch on the last episode and it's not natural for her to act that way. Pretty sad she's willing to behave like that. Clearly desperate

  5. Dina Lohan9:03 AM

    Lydia is pure OC. Fake. Uses bible study and religion to manipulate. Against natural ganja but all for drinking like a fish. Fake bitch.

  6. I was thinking Tamara. She seems like she could fail at any minute.

  7. Hot Cola12:57 PM

    I though we've already established that 99% of the Housewife's are Fake-Rich?

  8. Dina Lohan1:40 PM

    All the fake OC bitches are all born agains and the crazy NYC bitches are all Catholics.

  9. MizFabulous8:07 AM

