Sunday, July 09, 2017

Blind Item #2

For the second time I can remember, this closeted foreign born A list athlete in his corner of the sports world has reached out to this closeted A list reality star with a side gig about being his new beard. I don't see why he needs one. It has been a couple of years at this point and no one seems to care.


  1. Tricia1311:52 PM

    Lewis Hamilton/Kendall Jenner

  2. longtimereader2:48 AM

    He has multi million sponsorship deals with major corporate companies, of course he still needs a beard.

  3. Trevor10:47 AM

    F1 has very low wattage deals, not like golf or bball. No $200mm Nike deals in F1.

  4. James Ford2:58 PM

    Funny thing is that Lewis Hamilton right now is in Monaco hooking up with Dr Dre's son Lou G (If you follow his instagram story you'll see the pictures and receipts -@jetpacknyc).

  5. James Ford2:59 PM

    Haha good point.

  6. F1 died with Ayrton Senna. No one cares about it anymore. Did Shumacher ever got out of the coma? Anyway, shame I was born in the 90', I would love to see the golden era of F1.
