Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Blind Item #1

This one named former A list singer had the shakes something fierce while doing a radio interview earlier this week. Hands trembling and shaking. It was rough to watch.


  1. Tricia1311:36 PM


  2. Tricia1311:43 PM

    Forget it didn't see former.
    Definitely Kesha (if not Fergie).

  3. I've been there mysel this month. 12 days of steroids, one inhaler twice a day, another inhaler four times a day, breathing treatments, and two courses of antibiotics... I could barely sign my name. I empathize with those who struggle with medication side effects BUT I can't imagine volunteering for the shakes with unnecessary substances.

  4. ThisNThat5:57 AM

    I really wouldn't consider her A list at all at any point in time but yes, Kesha. She was on Elvis Duran to promote her new single yesterday.

  5. Trashleigh12:24 PM

    I just watched the 30min interview and she wasn't shaking at all! She was gesticulating a lot but not in an obvious way.
