Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits
#1 - One of the spies at a BBMA after party thought this talk show host was all over a guy who was all over her and was pretty sure it was not the talk show host's husband. They weren't sure though so, I let it go. Fast forward to a couple of days ago and there she was coming out of a hotel suite at the Four Seasons. The one on Doheny. The suite was registered to a guy who listed Las Vegas as his address so, apparently he was willing to travel for sex.
#2 - The wife of the singer had access to his Twitter page. So, yes, it was her writing all of those syrupy Tweets supposedly to her from her husband. Puts things in a whole different light.
#3 - The winner of this annual Playboy competition uses the platform as a way to charge customers higher fees. Her favorite way to meet new customers for her services is at fan conventions. She says she knows they aren't police and they are always willing to pay double or triple what a regular client would pay.