Today's Blind Items - The Pact
This A-list entertainer is really in a tough spot right now. A secret that has the potential to be unearthed could cause some major problems for him. This guy is almost universally loved in his niche demographic of very, very loyal fans. And recently, his popularity has increased to an even greater degree. I'll call him Mr. G.
Anyway, Mr. G. has been A-list (or maybe even A+ in some circles) for at least 25 years. He was once considered a complete outsider in the business, but is now very rich, famous and influential. It wasn't always that way though. Back in the day, Mr. G. could not get his foot in the door anywhere to save his life, but stumbled on to a lucky break. In the process of getting that break, he befriended another entertainer, who I'll call Mr. S. Mr. S was already an A-list entertainer in his own right when they met, and he and Mr. G became fast friends immediately.
As is always the case with the fame machine, Mr. G and Mr. S's careers took some twists and turns over the years, but their friendship always remained strong, even though at times they didn't see each other very much. As is also the case in friendships between two guys, there were also a lot of ups and downs in both Mr. G and Mr. S's personal lives too. Both of these guys made some bad relationship choices, which can really test a friendship. After all, there's nothing worse than your close friend dating someone that you can't stand. Anyway, these two guys were able to somehow navigate all that too, which is pretty amazing.
A few years ago, Mr. G and Mr. S got involved in a project together which was very exciting for their mutual fans. It was something they'd both wanted to do for a long time and the added benefit of this project was that they got to work with one another more than they had in years. It was really great and they had a blast doing it. They were older now and just really enjoyed hanging out again. The thing is, during the course of this project, Mr. G and Mr. S came to the realization that they had stronger feelings for one another than just friends would. Mr. G had always known these feelings existed, but Mr. S. was in denial and had struggled with some issues rooted around those repressed feelings for years. This, understandably created a very uncomfortable and awkward situation for both of them. But because of their affection for one another as friends, they seemed to be able to deal with it without it totally destroying their relationship.
Now keep in mind, both of these men are what would be considered classically heterosexual, so no one would ever suspect anything like this had taken place between them in a million years. And no one could find out either, because it had the potential to seriously damage both their careers and personal lives. Because of this, Mr. G and Mr. S made a pact that they could not let anyone discover their secret. At least not until they could figure out what they were going to do going forward. Unfortunately, someone connected to one of these men began to suspect that something transpired between them and started causing problems. And this triggered a chain of events which has had some unintended consequences.
Because of all this, Mr. G is terrified that this secret will be exposed publicly. Due to those fears, he has had to withdraw from some important events which has raised quite a few eyebrows. The secret, for now, is safe-- but who knows what will happen in the future. If this situation eventually gets outed, it is going to be a major story, so you better have your popcorn ready.