Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Today's Blind Items - The Pact

This A-list entertainer is really in a tough spot right now. A secret that has the potential to be unearthed could cause some major problems for him. This guy is almost universally loved in his niche demographic of very, very loyal fans. And recently, his popularity has increased to an even greater degree. I'll call him Mr. G.

Anyway, Mr. G. has been A-list (or maybe even A+ in some circles) for at least 25 years. He was once considered a complete outsider in the business, but is now very rich, famous and influential. It wasn't always that way though. Back in the day, Mr. G. could not get his foot in the door anywhere to save his life, but stumbled on to a lucky break. In the process of getting that break, he befriended another entertainer, who I'll call Mr. S. Mr. S was already an A-list entertainer in his own right when they met, and he and Mr. G became fast friends immediately.

As is always the case with the fame machine, Mr. G and Mr. S's careers took some twists and turns over the years, but their friendship always remained strong, even though at times they didn't see each other very much. As is also the case in friendships between two guys, there were also a lot of ups and downs in both Mr. G and Mr. S's personal lives too. Both of these guys made some bad relationship choices, which can really test a friendship. After all, there's nothing worse than your close friend dating someone that you can't stand. Anyway, these two guys were able to somehow navigate all that too, which is pretty amazing.

A few years ago, Mr. G and Mr. S got involved in a project together which was very exciting for their mutual fans. It was something they'd both wanted to do for a long time and the added benefit of this project was that they got to work with one another more than they had in years. It was really great and they had a blast doing it. They were older now and just really enjoyed hanging out again. The thing is, during the course of this project, Mr. G and Mr. S came to the realization that they had stronger feelings for one another than just friends would. Mr. G had always known these feelings existed, but Mr. S. was in denial and had struggled with some issues rooted around those repressed feelings for years. This, understandably created a very uncomfortable and awkward situation for both of them. But because of their affection for one another as friends, they seemed to be able to deal with it without it totally destroying their relationship.

Now keep in mind, both of these men are what would be considered classically heterosexual, so no one would ever suspect anything like this had taken place between them in a million years. And no one could find out either, because it had the potential to seriously damage both their careers and personal lives. Because of this, Mr. G and Mr. S made a pact that they could not let anyone discover their secret. At least not until they could figure out what they were going to do going forward. Unfortunately, someone connected to one of these men began to suspect that something transpired between them and started causing problems. And this triggered a chain of events which has had some unintended consequences.

Because of all this, Mr. G is terrified that this secret will be exposed publicly. Due to those fears, he has had to withdraw from some important events which has raised quite a few eyebrows. The secret, for now, is safe-- but who knows what will happen in the future. If this situation eventually gets outed, it is going to be a major story, so you better have your popcorn ready.


  1. MontanaMarriott3:17 AM

    Is this Chesney and ???? McGraw??

  2. sandybrook3:18 AM

    Tony Hawk and somebody maybe?

  3. Uhh...3:19 AM

    Harrison Ford and ?

  4. sandybrook3:19 AM

    No famous for too long.

  5. MontanaMarriott3:22 AM

    Actually it could be Chesney and Jimmy Buffet who gave him a hand in his early start according to his Wiki page.

  6. Uhh...3:25 AM

    Oh, it's entertainer. Nevermind.

  7. longtimereader3:31 AM

    Just that chesney has had D.L. rumours for years.

  8. Tricia133:31 AM

    Jaime Foxx/Damon Wayans?

  9. I immediately thought Ben Affleck and Matt Damon both are A list superstars and been friends for a long time. They had an HBO show called project greenlight to help aspiring filmmakers. There is a long rumour that Matt Damon is Bisexual. Lainey Lui said he bangs Latino guys in a blind item years ago. I suspect Ben and Matt see themselves as straight but their friendship is really a gay relationship. They are both Bisexual though.

  10. sandybrook3:33 AM

    Ok I'm going back to Tony Hawk and Bam Margera as the protege and outsider.

  11. .....3:37 AM

    It was always clear Damon couldn't stand J-Lo, too, among others that Affleck dated.

  12. Rene Zellwiggums3:39 AM

    God, Chesney has been pinging everyone's gaydar for years, nothing new.

  13. Guesser3:41 AM

    I assume since only Mr G is terrified of the story coming out. Mr S is likely dead. I have a guess and won't say it.

  14. I thought this sounded like a professional wrestler but no one really fits.

  15. Undercover3:44 AM

    Robert Downey Jr. & Mark Ruffalo
    Zodiac 2007

  16. Tricia133:45 AM

    I get a specialized sport vibe like boxing maybe:Oscar de lady Hoya "Mr G/Golden Boy" and Sugar Ray leonard (or Sky Stallone "Mr.S"? )They all work d on a show together years ago called "The Contender" and La Hoya is back on the rise with a new show(or a big fight )or something

  17. I've been trying to make this about Howard Stern and Howie Mandel, but I don't think Mandel has had any relationship issues over the years.

  18. the way this is written makes me think these guys are rock stars or athletes

  19. Katie3:49 AM

    Lol that was my first thought too! Esp. the "couldn't get his foot in the door part" about Stern, then his popularity on AGT.

  20. Sacha Cohen?

  21. oh my god.

  22. Dwayne The Rock Johnson as Mr S? He was famous in wrestling before he started acting and is universally loved.

  23. Jessica4:10 AM

    Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConnaughey.

  24. Little Miss Lurker4:19 AM

    I have a guess and am very hesitant to say it too. Part of me feels it's completely farfetched; the other part of me considers certain recent events (and the ensuing drama) and nothing would surprise me anymore, really.

    My guess involves two musicians...

  25. Sunspirit4:27 AM

    When I read the first bit I thought of Tom Hanks & Gary Sinese but now not I'm not sure.

  26. Guesser4:28 AM

    If you are familiar with the history and put the names in it fits , with one small red herring. And far more believable than some of the other stories.FWIW,I have heard rumors about both, but not together.

  27. WBw1g4:30 AM

    Clooney and Gerber. Just announced billion dollar sale of Casamigos which seems very odd considering its supposed success and that its a main income source for them.

  28. Mr. Grohl4:32 AM

    Mr. Soundgarden?

  29. Little Miss Lurker4:37 AM

    If we're thinking of the same people, I had not heard rumors about them before, but neither one would shock me too much.

    The one part that's throwing me is (if Mr. G. is who I think he is) I didn't think he had THAT much trouble initially becoming successful. So either I don't know enough of the history, I'm wrong about the identity, or it's another red herring.

  30. Stephe964:38 AM

    Can you give us a hint?

  31. George Clooney and Brad Pitt

  32. Guesser4:54 AM

    Mr G met his band mates through mister S.He had no prior recording deal , and and fact was working a low wage job at the time. But the band became stars from the first record together.

  33. Guesser4:57 AM

    As I said,if you read the last part,S has to be dead, otherwise, he would have to deal with the fallout as well. So even if my guess is wrong, that has to be true.

  34. oh my god. again.

  35. Little Miss Lurker5:06 AM

    Thank you. I didn't know that Mr. G. was working a low-wage job at the time, but the rest of what you said aligns with what I know of the history of these men. I think we're thinking of the same two people. (And like you, I'm not going to say my guess either.)

  36. Do Tell5:16 AM

    Clooney and Pitt?

  37. zonefreezone5:25 AM

    G is Dwayne Johnson The reference to "raised eyebrows" a giveaway. He is more loved now because of his political aspirations. Plus "Ballers"

  38. Going with Christ Cornell & Brad Pitt, hated sig other would Jolie

  39. Oh brother secret secret on a gossip blog? Weak...

  40. Veder and Cornell?

  41. shakey6:16 AM

    What did they do together? And if Chris is Mr. G, I guess he isn't worried anymore.

  42. Stephe966:31 AM

    Mr. (G)runge?
    Mr. (S)oundgarden?
    If this is the correct guess, why is it so controversial?

  43. numoon66:33 AM

    Pretty sure they did a np together. But neither guy married likable women - they both married uber bitches. I thought Brad's reactions to CC death weird.

  44. Dave S.6:39 AM

    Wasn't exactly a long-term project, but they brought Temple of the Dog back together briefly in 2014:

  45. Guesser7:24 AM

    I thought someone would say this sooner.,But this is nothing compared to the other stories out there.

  46. texasrose7:33 AM

    HIs secret can't be too safe now that there are public blinds about it.

  47. JustReading9:37 AM

    Steven Spielberg & Liam Neeson. Spielberg describes their friendship as being "joined at the heart".
    First worked together, Schindler's List 1993
    Reunited, Lincoln (Neeson dropped out saying he was 'too old' for the part) 2012
    Ever heard anything about Neeson dating since Natasha Richardson died 8 years ago? Natasha died by the time the Lincoln project was being cast.
    Speliberg still married with a bunch of kids, Neeson plays leading man/action/hero roles. Both could be problematic.

  48. Guesser9:44 AM

    You are probably right, usually I only feel this way when it involves name the rape victim, and EV is a grown man who could deal with it. ,,

  49. Farmgirl10:46 AM

    Just going to say the popcorn comment points to Michael Jackson in my mind.

    I have nothing else

  50. The reference to "niche market " makes me disagree

  51. Jennerationb11:09 AM

    "IF" this is true, it does sound like Eddie and Chris. Everything fits except that Chris wasn't A List when they met (except maybe in Seattle) and he gave Eddie the opportunity to sings vocals with Temple of the Dog which is where he (Eddie) hooked up with most of the member's of Pearl Jam. TotD reunited a couple of years ago to tour for the 25th anniversary of their album's release, which fits with the blind. Chris's death also put Eddie back in the news because of the "Keep Eddie Safe" faux campaign that was started because he's basically the last of the major grunge band singers still alive. It seems like from all the gossip here and elsewhere that Chris's wife, Vicki (and her family) is dispised by most of his long time friends. It's possible she found out about the "affair" and could have threatened to out them if he tried to leave her. Her mother sent out numerous twitter rants because Vedder didn't attend the funeral and apparently hadn't made a statement or contacted Chris's family even though he credited him in the past for starting his career. Vedder was touring out of the country, which may be why he didn't attend, or maybe he was too distraught (if they really we're in love) or didn't want to deal with the widow he couldn't stand. I guess only he knows.

  52. Oh I want one of these to be Richard Simmons. Alas, no.

  53. WhoWhat12:36 PM

    OK. So according to Enty, the Rockstar had a girlfriend and a boyfriend? I think you have the answer to the blind, but CC is the answer to The Rockstar's Girlfriend too?

  54. Can't be Ben and Matt. They've been friends since they were children. Blind says Mr. S was already A-list entertainer in his own right when they met.

  55. HPLUVCRFT1:28 PM

    Mr G. - Jason Alexander and Mr S - Jerry Seinfeld!

  56. Dear Enty, I have my popcorn ready and a box of Junior Mints. I love these blin

  57. Pinky052:04 PM

    Puffy and Biggie?

  58. maybe the gf was really a BF!!!

  59. Debbie2:34 PM

    To Just Reading: Why SS and LN? SS homophobic which doesn't mean anything, but how did you come up with that? The others besides rappers not news to me. No idea, really.

  60. Debbie2:57 PM

    SS was around way before 1990. Think it describes people with broad entertaining skills. Another one that's going to keep me up tonight.

  61. Antonio3:02 PM

    Oh man can you imagine the sex. Robert has a bubble and Mark has dick sucking lips, YUM!!!!

  62. buddah3:20 PM

    Ooooohhhh no no no no noooooooo, please no.

  63. sheepie4:28 PM

    thats what I thought

  64. IDKlol11:56 PM

    Mr. S could be Arnold Schwarzenegger then... they worked together on The Rundown in 2003.

  65. Camal191:20 AM

    Sounds to me like Clooney and Pitt...or Clooney and Gerber

  66. Debbie2:35 AM

    Popcorn is a clue to movies. If someone could figure out what collaboration they could figure out who they are.

  67. TellMeLies3:21 AM

    I had originally thought it was Kevin Smith and Ben Affleck. I know they were supposed to work on Batman together. But, since he dropped out of the film, maybe not.

  68. JustReading5:32 AM

    The rhapsodic Spielberg quote. I don't see male friends speaking of other male friends as being joined with them at the heart.
    Lots of homophobes are gay. Check out the GOP for decades.
    Also, it's supposed to be a secret that no one knows, so it wouldn't be the same old MTO crap.

  69. If you are referring to who I think, he did not meet his bandmates thru him, he met them thru another musician who was a mutual friend. The "Mr. S" you refer to took him under his wing.

  70. But EV wasn't really involved in the reissue or at all with the tour. That piece definitely doesn't fit.

  71. Spooky Tooth7:54 AM

    Matt Damon and Ben Affleck come to mind.

  72. Spooky Tooth8:02 AM

    Unless this has to do with the Soundgarden guess others have made or Clooney and Gerber (which I doubt cuz everyone suspected them from day 1) I don't have a clue. Sometimes With throws a red herring. Sometimes he gives just enough info that it could be anyone.

    Having said that, he said to get the popcorn ready. That makes me think one or both men make films. What about Matthew Macounaghy (can't spell it)? He was known to hang bongos while naked and hang out with the guys. Whoever these men are the blind implies we will be shocked when we find out.

  73. French girl8:05 AM

    Cornell and Pitt were neighbors at LA and they knew each other for 20 years

  74. French girl8:11 AM

    just one question: where is the scandal? 2 straight friends guys could be in love in fact but they stay friend .
    Scandalous only for Ted Cruz's fans !!

  75. Kirkjn8:14 AM

    Mike Myers
    Dana Carvey

    Reunited with SNL reunion anniversary.
    Wayne's World 3 was floated.
    They are not pure actors or comedians, so entertainers work.

  76. Chris and Eddie performed Hunger Strike at a benefit in 2014. The 25th anniversary Temple of the Dog reunion tour was 8 shows last fall. Eddie didn't perform on the tour.

  77. ET19691:07 PM

    Would love more info here.

  78. buddah2:41 PM

    They reunited for a two night concert at a Benefit in late 2014. Last time they sang together. Mr. G skipped the 2016 TOTD reunion tour.

  79. Also from the blind: 'If was something they’d both wanted to do for a long time and the added **benefit** of this project..."

  80. Marlo6:41 PM

    Larry David (G - George Constanza) maybe for the niche, beloved, and influential niche entertainer.

    Also the 'very very' kinda led me there. S is Seinfeld obviously. But I don't know about projects or recent important events...

    It's just a guess, but if it's them, then I hope nobody ever outs them, and they live very very happily ever after.

  81. Guesser11:22 PM

    I stand corrected, but I think it was the first recording they even did together

  82. LuckyGirl12:36 AM

    The Rock and Vin diesel

  83. LuckyGirl12:38 AM

    Vin Diesel. Fast & Furious

  84. LuckyGirl12:40 AM

    Fast & Furious franchise. Crazy loyal fans!

  85. Tom Cruise\'s Shoe Lifts4:49 AM

    Rande Gerber and George Clooney
    Vin Diesel and ?

  86. notyoubutme6:20 AM

    Matt and Ben. Good Will Hunting Big Break. Matt had a better career than Ben before that. Bad relationships? Jennifer Lopez? New Project, Project Greenlight.

  87. Debbie8:10 AM

    Larry golfed with Obama. I thought of he and his collaborator too. Gutsy posts.

  88. Crazypineapple1:37 PM

    This is so chris Cornell and Eddie Vedder. It would explain a lot over the last month and still simultaneously bring up more questions.....

  89. shutupmeg8:19 PM

    Dicaprio is the only person I can think of that has withdrawn frim recent events, dure to the $ fraud issues....Not sure about the other person though.

  90. I agree with this guess. Eddie has a hard time breaking into the grunge scene and was considered an outsider because he was from San Diego (not Seattle). Chris, already established on the scene, gave Vedder his blessing to take over after Andrew Wood died, thus forming Pearl Jam. Once others saw that Cornell accepted him, they did as well. They also both played a benefit concert Neil Young put on in 2014.

  91. Sweet Jane4:04 PM

    Jerry Seinfeld and an older black comedian, can't remember his name
    I heard about this years ago.

  92. The entirety of blind doesn't fit these 2...they can't be squeezed into all of it just because a little bit of it seems familiar.

  93. "Because of all this, Mr. G is terrified that this secret will be exposed publicly. Due to those fears, he has had to withdraw from some important events which has raised quite a few eyebrows."
    No eyebrows have been raised because this blind is 2 sizes too big for Eddie & Chris.

  94. buddah12:20 PM

    Both a reunion tour and a funeral were skipped, both important events which raised many eyebrows.

  95. Debbie3:05 PM

    Hate to advertise, but I've learned alot about some people by watching Seinfeld's online show. Pretty amazing stuff, some very obvious, some less so.

  96. captivagrl3:39 PM

    First two that popped in my head, Fallon and Timberlake. For some reason?

  97. Debbie9:59 PM

    Popcorn is movies.

  98. Debbie6:49 PM

    movie critics, talk show hosts (TV and radio), musicians Cmon, don't give up NOW! Sounds more like musicians' lifestyle to me. but popcorn? Arnold was the most interesting guess. Martin Scorcese (sp). loves a lot of new music and that would be news, plus didn't he make a movie about that? Most my guesses are too old and I've heard stuff about just about everyone mentioned.EEEE

  99. Debbie7:18 PM

    comedians: Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Seinfeld and cast, Steve Carroll (oh please, where are you?), Stern, who's missing events???

  100. buddah1:11 AM

    Plus, Mr. G's "niche demographic of very, very loyal fans" doesn't fit here. But does with a certain frontman whose band has a huge fan following all over the world.

  101. Debbie3:35 PM

    Threw it out there today and someone suggested Johnny Depp and Tim Burton

  102. Prunie4:42 PM

    They're both consider clsssically heterosexual. Action hero stars? I want to say Stallone. Outsider, one big break, niche. But he fits G better than S!

  103. Sharnon9:43 PM


  104. jay z and kanye west

  105. Jesus Fucking Christ why not.

  106. Debbie4:28 PM

    It's Judd Apatow and Paul Rudd. Remember that blind 2 years ago saying that they'd been getting off together and Apatow's wife, the actress, told them to cut it out? It all fits except one wonders why it's OK with one and not the other, as the one OK with it would probably be Apatow, and he's got a wife and two daughters; but it fits!

  107. guest6:19 AM

    Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington?

  108. This has to be Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell. Very sad

  109. Peace6:55 AM

    It's Chris Cornell and his lover , linkin park singer, Bennington. They are both bi and fell in love with each other. Bennington couldn't live with his lover's death and the lie any longer. So so sad. How many lives will homophobia take through suicide? Or overdose? Or depression. We should as a society not give a flying fuck who fucks who. What does it matter? Homophobia literally kills, at the risk of being too dramatic.

  110. Dannette7:07 AM

    You're an idiot.

  111. This story is actually true7:33 AM

    He killed himself on Cornell's birthday. The same way Cornell took his own life after many years of sobriety. He blamed himself. Cornell was the one open to being truthful about it. Bennington was not, for many reasons including his love for his kids, his fear for his career and his childhood history of abuse. Sometimes people can't help who they fall in love with.

  112. Justaguess10:25 AM

    I read this as mr.g= Chris cornell and mr.s= Chester Bennington but that doesn't be make sense because soundgarden was big 1994 and linkin park not until around 2000. And it say when they met at this "breakthrough" time, mr.s was already a-list........ too early for chester

  113. Justaguess10:29 AM

    And reverse it, it still doesn't make sense. Chester has not been a-list for 25 years.....

  114. Debbie12:52 PM

    Don't think Enty was speaking of these two you just mentioned, but the blind just got a WHOLE lot more interesting. One time I answered a perplexing perv blind, and the guy died that month. The whole blind just DISAPPEARED

  115. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Not Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell. Timelines do not match up. Their success' were nearly a decade apart. This just doesn't fit.

  116. Justaguess12:58 PM

    Which blind is this you speak of?

  117. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Soundgarden was well known before '94. Their Badmotorfinger album was released in '91. It had "Outshined" and "Rusty Cage" on it. Not to mention their previous albums.

  118. Justaguess1:04 PM

    You have peaked my interest

  119. Debbie1:16 PM

    Still think it's Rudd and Apatow, it all fits, but the choice of the word entertainer bugs me.

  120. Justaguess1:26 PM

    It would be totally intriguing if it was though right? On chris' bday, same way of committing suicide.... lots fits but you're probably right......

  121. Justaguess1:28 PM

    Yeah but mainstream wasn't until blackhole sun

  122. Justaguess1:29 PM

    It was probably just years of drug and alcohol abuse combined with depression and also a great friend taking that way out as well

  123. Guesser3:28 PM

    Chester Bennington was only 41, he certainly wasn't around more than 25 years ago. There may be red herrings, but that is too much.

  124. LaSirene4:29 PM

    And the "G" would fit his first band, Grey Daze...

  125. LaSirene4:33 PM

    25 years was only 1992... according to Wikipedia that's when chesters first band started - they released an album in 1993

  126. anonymous1:02 AM

    Both Bennington and Cornell were or are FtM transgenders. If this is true - it isn't - they were crypto-lesbians.

  127. Plastic5:45 AM

    Just watched - they look like they're in love!

  128. Was it the Sandy Gallin blind?

  129. buddah12:01 AM

    The blind does not fit Chester.

  130. buddah12:04 AM

    Chester hasn't been A list for 25 years. It does not fit. Chris and EV? Yes. Chester, No.

  131. and where are you getting this info? you seem pretty certain.

  132. Guesser1:22 PM

    The timeline and other parts don't fit with Chester.he was also very close to Chris's wife.But Chester admitted his history of abuse might lead people to think he was gay,and apparently it bothered him.

  133. Guesser1:28 PM

    Also wanted to add ,this is exactly why I commented that I didn't want to give my guess,, people really do need time to grieve without speculating on something like this.

  134. jonestown2:37 PM

    inspite of the red herrings thrown in, i think this is cc and cb. may they RiP

  135. I believe the "popcorn" reference means it's going to get very interesting, as in a great show, like in a reality show, or soap opera. I think these 2 star crossed lovers, are musicians. I will try not to speculate, about who I think they are, in a public forum. It could be anyone in the entertainment industry. Do these blind items have to vetted, or proven to be true?

  136. Kanye West and Jay Z.

  137. Well done Lucky Girl.
    The red herring is that it was Mr S who dropped out of events and called called names by Mr G for it ( but he used to fake wrestling trash-talking).
    Clues are:
    Fast friends
    Had a blast
    Raised a few eyebrows.
    Both got together on Fast and the Furious 6 and did indeed raise a few eyebrows in Tenerife.

  138. This almost fits Grohl/Hawkins except for S taking G under their wing, when it was the other way around. Shame, i've been waiting for a reveal on them for years.
